Pei Li sat in the distance and didn't move. He didn't seem to have a special feeling about the Holy Land and the Lord of the Holy Land in the mouth of the masked man.

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"I'd like to try whether I can fight the so-called Holy Land in your mouth with my current evolutionary power."

As Pei Li's voice fell, bursts of thunder like sound came from the void around Pei Li, and the black and purple thunder hovered around Pei Li like a young python.

Feeling this terrible pressure of evolutionists, several members such as little Lori and the young man in red nearby were unable to breathe for a moment. If their skin was pricked by tens of millions of needles, they were full of cold sweat.

This is an absolute evolutionary pressure, which has exceeded the limit they can bear, and this pressure is still expanding and climbing, as if it never ends, with a palpitating and intolerable violent atmosphere. If only ordinary evolutionists, within their range, no matter how many people, they may faint instantly on the spot.

After Pei Li's evolutionary pressure dissipated, young Laurie and young man in red and other talents felt a little better, as if they had come to the world from hell.

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"What a monster..."

The young man in red wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and looked at Pei Li with lingering fear.

Is this still a person? He had never seen an evolutionist whose ability to evolve was so exaggerated and terrible.

The most terrible thing is that Pei Li can't be killed or killed. His self-healing ability can also be called against the sky. He is invincible in the world.

"Pei Li, you are really strong now, but your ability is still growing. No one knows what the evolutionary strength of the Lord of the holy land is. If you are the Lord of the holy land, I can't judge which is stronger or weaker... Why don't you do what you want to do until you grow up completely?" Masked man.

Pei Li was about to speak, but his eyes glanced at the distance.

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Almost in an instant, several members jumped up and stood by Peili.


The next second, a black figure is approaching the limit, which is difficult for the naked eye to see.

The dark shadow was surrounded by terrible strong gusts of vigorous wind. With each step, the ground under its feet would collapse rapidly, as if walking on a high mountain.


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Although the young man in red doesn't know who the visitor is, his appearance in this form has shown that he is an enemy rather than a friend.

The next second, the boy in red turned into Zhang Gaohuo, and the oxygen in the air evaporated instantly, as if he had become the embodiment of the scorching sun.

"Shit... Stay away from me. It's too hot!"

Seeing the fireman approaching, the shadow stopped, and his clothes were about to burn to ashes.

"Sure enough, it's the matrix from the laboratory... Does anyone have such evolutionary ability..." the dark shadow stared at the fire man, thinking.

Just as the fireman approached, the black shadow suddenly burst out of bursts of golden luster.

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"The power of genes?"

The young man in red turned into Zhang Gaohuo, who was slightly stunned.


A loud noise

I saw the black shadow rise in the air and hit it with a fist. It was hard to find with the naked eye. The speed was so fast that even the fire man had not been able to return to his mind. His huge body was shocked by an indescribable terrible force.

Soon, the fireman fell heavily to the ground and recovered his human form again.

"Am I special... I was hit by a train?!" The young man in red got up and felt dizzy for a moment. "No... I should have been hit by a hundred... A thousand trains just now..."

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