The man standing next to Lin Yan has a very high level of evolution, and even has reached a level that Lin Yan can't imagine.

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Since Lin Yan knew he was an evolutionist, he has already had a general understanding of the evolutionist world.

The acquired evolutionist, or the innate evolutionist who was born high above, has never given Lin Yan such a great pressure.

The pressure of the evolutionist seems to exist. Lin Yan can feel it. This pressure is not deliberately done by the man in front of him, but spread from his bones.

At the moment, Lin Yan looked again at the handsome man in front of him, with a charming and gentle smile on his mouth, but standing beside him, Lin Yan not only didn't feel a trace of warmth, but made her shudder, just like staying next to a fierce beast, she would be killed on the spot at any time.

At most, Lin Yan's whole body was soaked with cold sweat.

This man is too dangerous, and the level of evolution has far exceeded the limit she can understand.

"It doesn't matter if you don't know me."

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The man smiled and spoke softly, as if he could bewitch people: "but you should know me now. I'm your brother and fifth brother."

Lin Yan didn't speak. He thought in his heart, what kind of purpose does this man have.

To be sure, Lin Yan didn't know the man. There was no intersection between them. Even Lin Yan hadn't seen him before. This was the first time they met.

But the man kept saying that she was his brother, but she really didn't have a brother.

Even if there is, will Lin Yan not know her brother? It's obviously impossible.

Moreover, Lin Yan doesn't think the man has any conspiracy or what purpose he wants to achieve.

He can kill himself at any time if he wants.

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Before long, Lin Yan was slightly surprised.

He doesn't recognize the wrong person like Bai He and Si Bai

The more you think about it, the more Lin Yan thinks it's possible.

After all, the owner of a laboratory is very similar to her.

"Sister Lin Yan, would you like to have a drink together?"

While Lin Yan was meditating, the man suddenly called out her name.

As the man's voice fell, Lin Yan's look suddenly changed.

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To be sure, this is by no means a mistake.

He gave his name

"Who the hell are you?" Lin Yan subconsciously retreated two steps towards the rear.

"How stupid." The man stared at Lin Yan, "didn't you say, your brother."

"I don't have a brother." Lin Yan said with great vigilance.

At present, the salesman on one side frowned when he saw that something was wrong.

I thought they had something to do, but through their conversation, it seems that this is not the case.

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"Miss, do you need... Help?"

The salesperson asked Lin Yan softly.

However, Lin Yan ignored the salesperson.

Not to mention these ordinary people, even if ordinary evolutionists come, they are just giving heads.

Moreover, she did not feel any malice on men.

"Come on, I'll explain to you slowly." With a smile on his face, the man walked to Lin Yan and put his hand on Lin Yan's shoulder.

"Do you know this lady, sir?"

I don't know when the salesperson called the security personnel of several shopping malls.

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