Although Lin Yan knew that the man was a super evolutionist, he did not expect that the white crane, who was also a super evolutionist, was weaker than an ant in front of the man.

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People didn't do it, and the white crane fell down.

If he had known that their strength was so different, Lin Yan could not say that he had been kidnapped.

At the moment, Lin Yan felt very guilty that she had harmed the white crane.

The man didn't take a few steps with Lin Yan, but he stopped without warning.

Lin Yan saw that the white crane didn't know when to wake up. He held the man's ankle in his hands and chewed it up. He said something vaguely in his mouth.

Listen carefully. It seems to say... "I'll bite you to death."

"White crane, run!"

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Seeing the white crane waking up, Lin Yan was relieved and hurried to the White Crane Road.

Seeing this, the smile on the man's face disappeared, and a touch of helplessness appeared in his eyes.

Seeing that the man was distracted, Lin Yan didn't know where his courage came from. All his potential burst out, adrenaline soared, exhausted all his strength and hit the man hard in the face.

However, when his fist just touched the man's almost perfect cheek, Lin Yan's eyes turned white, just like the white crane, "plop" fainted and fell to the ground.

Lin Yan just fell on the white crane and pressed the white crane under him.

"You... You bitch, you dare to hit my elder martial sister. Do you know who I am?!" The White Crane quickly got up and held Lin Yan in his arms.

Hearing the sound, the man sighed and said more and more helplessly, "did you see my hand?"

"You didn't do it. What happened to my elder martial sister?" The white crane angrily said.

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The man held his chin and looked puzzled. A moment later, he said, "maybe... I've drunk too much."

"Liar!" The white crane said, "my elder martial sister didn't drink!"

"Brother five!"

Just as the white crane wanted to say something, a woman came from the rear.

Women's long hair to the waist, very soft, sweet appearance, especially that pair of eyes, purple, very flexible, from head to foot are super luxury brands with price and no market in the market, and a watch on the wrist is sky high.

Women wear cheongsam to show their slender figure incisively and vividly.

"Ten younger sisters." Seeing the woman, the man nodded.

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"My God..."

Looking at the Lin Yan lying on the ground, the woman's face changed slightly: "brother five, did the little sister give you a hand?"

Women know that men can't fight Lin Yan.

But at the moment, Lin Yan is in a coma. There is only one possibility. The little sister Lin Yan shot at the fifth brother.

"Obviously." The man said.

The woman sighed and seemed more helpless than the man.

The fifth brother is a natural evolutionist. He uses a very strange ability called "the power of evolution"

Anyone who takes action against him, whether an evolutionist or an ordinary person, even a beast, will be passively defended by the evolutionary power of the fifth brother.

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In other words, he doesn't need to do anything at all. Once anyone hits him, it's equal to hitting himself, even worse.


After listening to the dialogue between women and men, the white crane suddenly stood up and sneered, "nonsense, and I don't believe this ability!"

After that, the white crane punched the man again.


The woman saw that the white crane fell to the ground and fainted.

The man held his chin, quietly looked at the white crane and said thoughtfully, "the wine may not wake up."

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