"Mr. Pei, how pitiful the child is! I just help take care of it for a few days! And I think the child is very good and won't bother you!"

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Although money is part of the reason, the child Lin Yan really likes it.

Lin Yan also noticed that Pei Yucheng's attitude seemed to disagree, so he quietly pulled Pei Yucheng's clothes sleeve, lowered his voice and said, "can you, husband?"

Pei Yucheng: "

Lin Yan: "husband?"

Pei Yucheng thought a little, and then quickly made a decision: "yes."

Now Pei Li already knows that Lin Yan is still alive. Even if he tries to refuse today, Pei Li will always have other ways. Even if he is forced to do more drastic things.

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Pei Li: "

At the moment, Pei Li's expression was very complex. He didn't expect Lin Yan to agree so easily, let alone Pei Yucheng.

"Please, half of your money in advance has been paid to your account." Xiao Yao spoke.

As soon as he finished speaking, Lin Yan found that he received the transfer information: "ah! So fast! Boss, you're too polite!"

"I have something else to do. Let's go first." Xiao Yao finished and drove away directly.

Lin Yan was speechless. He walked so simply that he didn't worry at all. He didn't know whether to ask others if their children were afraid of harm. Would you like to? Was there any injury just now?

Sure enough, it's a child without parents. No one hurts

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Lin Yan looked at the little guy next to her. Her heart hurt slightly. She was worried about the little guy's loss. She opened her mouth carefully and comforted her: "Xiao Li, your uncle has been busy recently. Will you follow your sister during this time?"

Pei Li raised his small head, his expression was good and soft, and his eyes glittered like Xingzi. "I want to follow my sister all the time."

Lin Yan was stunned for a long time, "good boy!"

Ow! The child is too good and lovely!

The watery and clear eyes stare at you and call you sister again. It's so popular that they want to give him all the best things in the world!

Lin Yan's heart and liver trembled here. He didn't know how much pressure Xingshen and Cheng Mo felt when they watched this scene.

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It's better to look at Pei Li's cruel appearance. The appearance of the little angel is too penetrating

They saw such a terrible scene. Shouldn't they be killed when they look back?

"Go home first." Pei Yucheng spoke.

Lin Yan nodded.

Soon, the car drove to Yunjian water village.

There was still a long way to go after getting off the bus. Pei Yucheng stood in front of the little guy and asked, "do you want to hold it?"

Pei Li immediately took a half step back behind Lin Yan and obviously refused.

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Lin Yan doesn't know if it's his own illusion. Pei Li's eyes just now seem a little disgusted?

"Well, Xiao Li is probably not used to being too close to strangers... Let's go over there! It's not far away..." Lin Yan said.


After entering the room, Peili looked around quietly.

Women's slippers, pillows, paired cups, racing models... Personal belongings belonging to Lin Yan are scattered in the room. It is obvious that she has lived here for a long time.

It seems that uncle dog's words are true

"Xiao Li, it's too late today. My sister will take you to the supermarket tomorrow and help you buy some daily necessities!" Lin Yan led the little guy to sit down on the sofa.

Pei Yucheng took off his coat and hung it on the hanger. He slowly rolled up the button of his shirt and said, "are you hungry? I'll go to the kitchen and make you something to eat."

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