Lin Yan really hasn't coaxed the child to sleep, so he doesn't know what to do.

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So she sent Xiaoyao a text message asking: "boss, how do you coax the child to sleep?"

Then Xiao Yao replied, "why do you need to coax me to sleep?"

Lin Yan: "

Does this guy have no childhood?

It would be terrible if anyone became his son in the future!

No way, Lin Yan can only think of a way by himself.

"Xiao Li, do you want to hear a story?" Lin Yan asked softly.

Pei Li seemed to hesitate. After a long time, he asked carefully, "is it OK?"

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Looking at Pei Li's expression that clearly wanted to hear and dared not bother her, Lin Yan immediately felt more distressed, "of course!"

However, I found it wrong.

"Well, but I can't seem to tell stories..." Lin Yan scratched his head.

Lin Yan subconsciously looked at Pei Yucheng at the door: "

Pei Yucheng: "

"Well, Mr. Pei, can you tell a story?" Lin Yan asked almost hopelessly.

Pei Yucheng came over with two cups of hot milk in his hand: "drink the milk first."

Pei Li glanced at Pei Yucheng and didn't answer.

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Lin Yan took the milk, saw Pei Li didn't move, and helped bring Pei Li's cup, "Xiao Li, drink milk! You can grow tall!"

Pei Li just drank it.

After drinking the milk, Pei Yucheng sat by the head of the bed, "what do you want to hear?"

Lin Yan immediately opened his mouth and said several heard names, "the little match girl! The daughter of the sea! Well, it seems that it's all a tragedy... Is there a happy ending?"

"Yes." Pei Yucheng nodded and then began to say.

"Once upon a time, there was a lovely little girl. Because she often wore the beautiful little red riding hood given to her by her grandmother, everyone called her little red riding hood. One day, my grandmother was ill, and my mother took little red riding hood to see her grandmother..."

Lin Yan's eyes lit up. Unexpectedly, Pei Yucheng could really tell fairy tales, just like little red riding hood and big gray wolf.

This is so cute!

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Pei Yucheng was stunned by Lin Yan's eyes: "what's the matter?"

Lin Yan: "nothing. I just didn't expect you to tell fairy tales!"

Pei Yucheng: "I've heard of it, remember."

Have you heard of it?

Who will tell fairy tales in front of Pei Yucheng?

Is it Pei Yutang's bear child?

These days, Lin Yan always runs on the road of running for his life. No matter how good his physical quality is, he can't hold it. He's already exhausted.

At present, Lin Yan is lying on the soft bed, with Pei Yucheng's reassuring voice in his ear and a soft and fragrant small pillow in his arms. He soon fell asleep

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After a while, Pei Li also slowly closed his eyes.

"The wolf woke up and tried to escape, but the stones were too heavy. He just stood up..."

Pei Yucheng lowered his voice a little. He didn't stop until he saw that both mother and son closed their eyes and fell asleep.

The girl's face was porcelain white and flawless, because she was sleeping and blushed. Her eyebrows were full of sweetness, and there seemed to be no trouble.

Pei Yucheng took off the gold wire glasses and put them at the head of the bed. Then he helped the mother and son tuck in the quilt corner.

Pei Yucheng's eyes slowly fell on the little guy in Lin Yanhuai.

The little guy is always full of vigilance. When he looks at him, his eyes are always cold and alienated. Now he curls up in Lin Yanhuai and finally looks like a child.

If he wasn't born with that terrible ability

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