"Yunxuan! What's up?" Seeing the seed players of his team, Lin Yan suddenly smiled.

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Yunxuan has some social barriers and is not good at communicating with people. Seeing Lin Yan suddenly smile at himself, he was so nervous that his ears turned red and his hands didn't know where to put them.

On the other side, Lin Yan looked at Yunxuan's nervous appearance and couldn't help laughing, "what's the matter? Why are you so nervous today? Am I so terrible?"

Yunxuan quickly shook his head, "no... no... sister Yan, I didn't mean that..."

"I'm kidding you. Don't worry. Take your time." Lin Yan comforted.

The child's usual state keeps up with the state of the track. It's really different.

Finally, Yunxuan worked hard for a long time and turned red. Then he finally opened his mouth nervously: "sister Yan, can you... Can you..."

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Lin Yan: "what can I do?"

Not far away, he Lefeng saw Yunxuan standing alone with Lin Yan. Yunxuan was still so nervous that his face turned red. He immediately hid and peeped aside.

Mo Shuyun, who was walking behind, knocked on his head, "what are you doing stealthily?"

"It's Yunxuan. He's so boring. He can send text messages and never talk. He wants to say nothing a day. No one contacts except his car. He took the initiative to talk to sister Yan..." he Lefeng said.

Mo Shuyun: "so what?"

"I don't think the boy is in the right state. He... Isn't he going to confess to my sister?!" He Lefeng patted his thigh.

Mo Shuyun was surprised by he Lefeng's brain circuit, "do you think too much?"

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"I think too much. See for yourself! It's not an advertisement. Why is he so nervous? He blushes! Although he stammers, he's never so nervous! It's definitely fishy!

The boy is addicted to racing and can't extricate himself. Maybe he was stunned by my sister's driving skills just now and fell in love with my sister! " He Lefeng believed and swore.

Mo Shuyun looked at the two people not far away and touched his chin. Although he Lefeng was a little jumpy, Lin Yan and Yunxuan's handsome men and women stood together and really had pink bubbles

"Captain, you don't care!" He Lefeng spoke anxiously, "this boy, I thought he was a Muggle. I didn't expect to be bold. Even my sister dared to make an idea!"

Mo Shuyun gave him a white look. "I can manage people's training. Can I manage people's love?"

"It's almost the race. Falling in love affects training! No, Captain, you have to take care of it! It's related to the future of our team!"

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He Lefeng said and rolled up his sleeves, "if you don't go, I'll go! Smelly boy! Dare to make an idea of my sister!"

Just as he Lefeng was about to rush out, Yunxuan's voice of courage came to his ears——

"Sister Yan, can you... Can you accept me as an apprentice!!!"

Yunxuan was sweating nervously. It seemed that it took all his strength to say this sentence.

Lin Yan: "

He Lefeng: "

Mo Shuyun: "

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"Ah?" Not only he Lefeng and Mo Shuyun were stunned, but Lin Yan was also stunned after listening.

As soon as Yunxuan finished his words, his courage disappeared, like a deflated ball. He was so scared that he quickly waved his hand, "I... I just said... I'm sorry... I'm too... Too bold..."

Lin Yan patted his chest with lingering fear, "I'm scared to death. You wanted to worship... I thought..."

As if to ease the embarrassment, he Lefeng turned to Mo Shuyun and said, "look, sister Yan also thought that the boy was an advertisement, not that I thought too much!"

As a result, as soon as he finished speaking, he heard Lin Yan continue, "I thought you were going to borrow money from me!"

He Lefeng: "

Mo Shuyun: "

I think you both think a lot!

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