All the photos in the camera are the same woman. The pixels of the photos are so high that you can see even a hair.

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"Mom is so beautiful!"

The little guy rarely shows the appearance of a child, holding a small face, happy for a while and lost for a while, "Mom... You forget your father... Forget Pei li... Why should you even forget me... I'm so cute..."

Youth: "

But... Cute? It's almost terrible

When Pei Qian was looking at the picture, the young man looked at his reaction in a panic, as if he was afraid of finding something.

"Yuanbao, what are you so nervous about? Have you done anything wrong?" Pei Qian seemed to find the youth's panic and asked coldly.

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The young man quickly shook his head and explained, "no, no! Young master, how dare I! I'm just afraid that Mr. Yu will find out..."

Pei Qian snorted coldly, "even if he finds out, I have promised not to disturb my mother. Now I just want to see my mother's photos. Can't I?"

"No... I didn't mean that..." the young man said weakly.

"For your sake, I'll forgive you! It's much better than those paparazzi!"

Pei Qian looked at them carefully one by one and returned the camera.

In order to prevent his father from finding out, he deleted it every time he finished reading it.

When the young man saw that Pei Qian didn't seem to find anything, he was finally relieved and took the camera back.

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However, when Pei Qian was ready to hand over the camera, he suddenly took the camera back, "wait!"

The young man was so frightened that his legs shook, "young master, what's the matter?"

"What is this?" Pei Qian enlarged one of the photos and then stared at a shadow in the villa door.

The young housekeeper looked closely and found that it was a small shadow and a silhouette.

too bad!

The housekeeper pressed down and panicked, "young master, should it be just a shadow?"

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Pei Qian grinds his teeth. "Shadow? Pei Li's shadow!"

Housekeeper: "...??"

Can you recognize it?

Pei Qian slapped angrily and cracked the glass table next to him. "Don't say it's a shadow or a side body. I know him even if he turns into ash! Tell me honestly what's going on! Why is that bastard around his mother?"

The housekeeper was almost crying, "I... I don't know... I really don't know..."

Pei Qian clenched his fist, "so you took Pei Li at the beginning, didn't you? You deliberately deleted all the photos with Pei Li for fear that I might find out.

Unfortunately, I missed one, but I found it! I said, why are you so nervous today! It turned out that something was hidden from me! " Pei Qian was so angry that he turned around like a fire wheel.

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The housekeeper didn't expect Pei Qian to be so clever that he could even find Pei Li from a missing shadow. He was almost ready to cry without tears.

Soon, the whole garden was damaged.

"Why! Why can Pei Li go to see his mother? I can't! I've been obedient and endured for so long, but you've all kept it from me! Let Pei Li see his mother! But don't let me see her!"

"Young master, calm down... Calm down..." the housekeeper was so anxious that he followed him and was almost hit on his head by a flying stone stool.

"Calm down! How can you calm me down! Big liar! You only know to make me good! You only know to threaten me! You only know not to let me see my mother! But you let Peili see my mother behind my back! Why should Peili see my mother and not let me see! Why should Peili see my mother and not let me see! Why, why, why!"


While hiding from all kinds of things thrown by Peili, the housekeeper chased after him.

It's over. The little devil has gone completely

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