In addition to Lin Yan, the three people on the table have their own thoughts.

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The atmosphere was a little awkward for a moment.

After a long silence, Pei Li said, "sister, uncle Xiao cooks very delicious. Let uncle Xiao cook for you next time."

Lin Yan was surprised, "boss, you can cook!"

"Not bad." Xiao Yao spoke.

"But forget it. How dare I ask my boss to cook for me!" Lin Yan smiled.

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Pei Li hurriedly said, "sister, boys are born to take care of girls, and it's also right to cook for girls!"

Pei Li said and looked at Pei Yucheng opposite. "Uncle Pei, can you cook?"

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Lin Yan: "well..."

This is really a dangerous problem

Pei Yucheng: "OK."

Lin Yan: "

Pei Yucheng said, his eyes slightly paired with his son, and continued to say, "I can cook it for you next time."

Pei Li looked at it reluctantly: "well, I hope uncle Pei doesn't just talk."

Lin Yan was choked by the lemonade and looked at Pei Li silently. Baby, do you know what a big hole you dug for yourself?


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A meal was finished in peace for the time being.

"I'll pay the bill." When paying the bill, Xiao Yao took the initiative to pay the bill.

Lin Yan's eyes lit up, "thank you, boss! Boss, you are so generous!"

Pei Li looked a little better.

Fortunately, Xiao Yao did enough to be generous.

And this is also a very attractive advantage for mothers.

The three of them walked out of the restaurant and were waiting to park their car. At this time, a popular entertainment news was playing on the large screen of the shopping mall opposite.

"This year's China wealth list is fresh! JM Group CEO Pei Yucheng won the top of the list again and ranked No.1 in the rich list again! Speaking of the men with the most wealth in China, it must be Pei Yucheng. Since two years ago, JM group has almost madly expanded its business territory and its business is all over..."

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Lin Yan: "...!"

It's a bit magical to suddenly see your boyfriend's gossip on TV.

Although Pei's group is the top chaebol in China, Pei Yucheng usually keeps a very low profile, rarely attends public occasions, and never accepts media interviews. Unless it is some particularly important business activities, there are reports from some national stations.

No media dare to report Pei Yucheng's private information. The only photo of Pei Yucheng out of the circle was accidentally passed out from Pei Nanxu.

About Pei Yucheng's personal wealth, the media rarely dare to report more without the permission of JM group's public relations. Therefore, although Lin Yan knows that Pei Yucheng must be very rich, he knows for the first time that he is the richest man in China and has won many circles!

In an instant, when Lin Yan looked at Pei Yucheng, he seemed to be shining, like a living God of wealth!

Pei Ligang eased his expression a little. After seeing the gossip news, he immediately sank down again.

He even wondered if Pei Yucheng was intentional?

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Lin Yan looked up at the news on the opposite big screen and said with regret, "Hey, Pei Yucheng, do you know what my dream is?"

Pei Yucheng: "what?"

"My dream is to make money! I want to be the richest woman! I just didn't expect that you robbed the richest man!" Lin Yan sighed.

Pei Yucheng glanced at the girl. The tip of his eyebrows was slightly raised, and the bottom of his eyes was full of tenderness: "you are already."

Become the richest woman, you are already.

Lin Yan: "...!"

Pei Li: "

Xiao Yao: "

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