the second day.

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Zhao Hongling said that she has been very diligent recently, so she gave her two days off to have a rest, so she is ready to take advantage of this time to train Yunxuan.

It's only a few days since the game. If Yunxuan can accept her special training method, with his talent, he will certainly make a breakthrough.

"Xiao Li, my sister has work to do today. Would you like to go to work with my sister?"

Lin yanrousheng discussed with the little guy, "at that time, my sister may be a little busy, and the place where my sister works is a little dangerous. You can't stay nearby. My sister asks a little brother to take care of you, can you?"

Perry hung his head and was silent for a moment.

He would, of course he would like to be with his mother.

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However, he is also very clear that following his mother in this case will cause trouble to his mother.

If mom thinks he's a trouble, will she dislike him.

He will never allow it!

Finally, Pei Li raised his head and shook his head, "sister, it's inconvenient for you to work with me. I can stay at home by myself. You don't have to worry about me. I won't run around."

Lin Yan knew that the child was very sensible, but he didn't expect that such a big child would think so much and consider for others.

And just now she could clearly feel that the child didn't want to stay at home alone.

What kind of environment can make such a small child develop such a clever and sensible character.

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Being clever and sensible is a good thing, but the child seems to be a little too sensible

Although he has just come home for two days, he is careful in everything, as if he is afraid that she will be unhappy

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Lin Yan let out a soft voice for fear of frightening him. "Sister, it's not inconvenient. I'm just worried that you don't like to contact strangers..."

"I'll take care of it."

At this time, Pei Yucheng came out of the study, followed by Cheng mo.

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"Don't you have a meeting to be held today and have to go to the company?" Lin Yan always looks humane.

"It doesn't matter. You can take him to the company and someone will take care of him." Pei Yucheng spoke.

Hearing Pei Yucheng's words, Pei Li frowned imperceptibly.

Cheng Mo, who is holding a stack of documents behind Pei Yucheng, is suddenly stiff and almost weathered.

No, he comes here every morning to see the little devil. Now Pei always wants to take the little devil to the company!

He... He can't take care of it!

Lin Yan hesitated when he heard the speech.

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There are many people in the team, and she will give Yunxuan special training at that time. She doesn't have much time to take care of Xiaoli personally. Everyone in the team is very busy. Besides, they are old men. He Lefeng is unreliable. Pei Yucheng's proposal really helped her solve the big problem.

It's just that it's too much trouble for Pei Yucheng to help her take her children to the company

Lin Yan scratched his head in embarrassment, "but... It's clearly my business... How can I give it all to you and let you take care of it for me... It's too troublesome for you..."

Pei Yucheng's eyes behind the lens inadvertently looked at the girl and said casually in a natural tone: "taking care of children should be two people. There is no help or trouble."

Listening to this, Lin Yan suddenly felt that Pei Yucheng's three views were too correct!

Indeed! Taking care of children should be the business of husband and wife, not just the business of mothe

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