Ordinary people may be very happy to have such a level, but Yunxuan has made too fast progress and has too high talent. In just a few months, it has reached the level of ordinary racing drivers for several years. Such amazing talent will inevitably fall into self doubt and negation after suddenly falling into a dead end.

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This negative emotion is very terrible for racing drivers. If they can't get the correct guidance, maybe such a good seedling will die out.

Mentality is almost more important than technology for a talented driver like Yunxuan who has little experience.

Lin Yan chuckled, reached out and pressed Yunxuan's shoulder and patted, "all his life? Good apprentice, do you have any misunderstanding about yourself? Or do you have any misunderstanding about your master."

"Get up, follow me on the track and decide the outcome in ten circles."

After Lin Yan said that, he put on his helmet and looked at the young man through his helmet: "now, I'll break it and show you."

After a long time, Yunxuan reacted and hurriedly put on his helmet and followed up.

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Soon, two cars started from the finish line.

Although Yunxuan's state was low, he quickly entered the state after he got on the track, and soon caught up with Lin Yan, even a little ahead.

The two kept a shoulder distance and ran for nearly a quarter of the time.

Yunxuan kept a little ahead of Lin Yan by half a body distance, but it was no faster.

Lin Yan glanced at Yunxuan on the left.

Although Yunxuan is very young and has little experience, he is very stable and rarely makes mistakes.

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Lin Yan kept such a distance from him and continued to drive. He observed almost. After nearly one-third of the race, he began to speed up.

A corner, Lin Yan quickly overtook, crossed Yunxuan and came in front of him.

Yunxuan had almost no room for reaction, and was overtaken by Lin Yan in an almost impossible position.

Yunxuan stayed there, but he quickly reacted. Then he quickly increased the throttle and caught up.

The young man's dead eyes also made waves.

At the next corner, Yunxuan almost caught up with him at a crazy speed and tried to catch up with him.

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As a result, Lin Yan's defense was flawless. He had no chance to catch up. He didn't even scratch the tail of Lin Yan's car. On the contrary, he almost rushed out of the track because of too much inertia and narrowly turned the steering wheel back to the right track.

The second corner, anti overtaking failed.

The third bend still failed.


What's going on

Watching the game between Lin Yan and Zhou Yue yesterday, it was not so terrible at all.

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He even deliberately analyzed Lin Yan's running method. After passing the corners just now, he was sure to surpass the past.


A cold sweat oozed from Yunxuan's forehead and stared at the front. Almost all his attention was focused on the car, as if it were integrated with the whole car.

But the terrible thing was that no matter what he did, Lin Yan was like a huge beast blocking the sky and the sun, and did not give him the chance to surpass.

He has never been so desperate since he came into contact with the car

However, he hasn't been so crazy since he came into contact with the car

It's like the blood of his whole body is burning, and the whole world disappears in front of him. Only the forest smoke in front of him and the shadow of the car are left in the whole world, which makes him chase recklessly

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