Lin Yan didn't react to what happened for a moment, but when he realized that there might be danger, he immediately squatted down and hugged Pei Li and protected him in his arms, "Xiao Li, what's the matter?"

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Pei Li's face was slightly stiff and his little hand was clenched when he heard the speech.

When he woke up, he regretted it immediately.

He was worried that his mother would find out the truth

Seeing Pei Li didn't speak, Lin Yan thought he was frightened, so he looked at Pei Yucheng, "what's the matter? What happened?"

Pei Yucheng pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose, walked over, took Lin Yan's bag and coat hanging on his wrist and held it for her. Then he said calmly, "it's all right. Several intruders broke in."

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Lin Yan was nervous when he heard this, "was it the person who wanted to catch Xiaoli last time?"

Pay attention to the official account: Book Club headquarters, focus on sending cash and coins!

Pei Yucheng nodded: "well, it should be. But don't worry, people have solved it."

Lin Yan is relieved when he hears the speech. No wonder they are all hurt, "that's good!"

At the moment, Pei Li's little face was full of surprise and looked at Pei Yucheng with a complex expression. He didn't expect Pei Yucheng to help him hide again and again.

Lin Yan quickly hugged Xiaoli and comforted him. "Xiaoli, don't be afraid, don't be afraid, the bad guys have been driven away! With my sister and uncle Pei, the bad guys won't take you away! Just don't worry! How about you? Aren't you hurt? Is there anything uncomfortable?"

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Pei Li listened to his mother's worry and her mother's gentle comfort. He was held in his arms so nervously by his mother that all the grievances in his heart rushed up.

The little guy rubbed his little head into Lin Yan's arms, and his big eyes were slightly red. His little hand was holding the little crab on his mobile phone, and his voice was a little hoarse and choked, "sister... The little crab my sister gave me was touched by bad guys and dirty. This is the gift my sister gave me..."

Lin Yan looked at the little guy holding the little crab like a baby, as if he had been greatly wronged. Although she felt that the little guy's focus was a little crooked, in her eyes, Peili was just a five or six-year-old child who didn't understand anything and was innocent. It was normal to say this.

Lin Yan was so cute that he was comforted for a while. "Xiao Li is not angry. Don't be sad. My sister will wipe it for you! It won't be dirty!"

Ke man, who fell to the side and was dying, said: "

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Cheng Mo, who was seriously injured, said: "...."

The feeble star sank: "...."

Ling Yue, who couldn't stand steadily: "...."

It's them who got hurt. Why are you so wronged and bullied by a group of them???

Ke man was silly at Pei Li's rapid change. Pei Yucheng's eyes opened and lied also shocked her.

However, her desire for survival made her choose to shut up and say nothing.

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"Ling Yue, Xing Chen, assistant Cheng and this lady, are you all right? Go to the hospital and have a look! It's really thanks to you today!" Lin Yan thanked Ling Yue and others.

Pei Li stuck in Lin Yan's arms, stuck out half his head, looked at the four people, and said softly, "Xiao Li, thank you, brother, and sister for protecting me!"

Cheng Mo and others almost shivered together, even goose bumps.

Ke man didn't dare face Peili's eyes. He wiped the blood on the corner of his mouth and said, "no... it's okay..."

Cheng Mo cooperates with Mo Han, "no... you're welcome. It's your duty."

The star sank his mouth and said, "I should."

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