The screenwriter looked at Qiao kexuan's direction not far away, and then said, "Lin Yan, don't worry, you must be the heroine of this play, otherwise I'd rather not shoot this book than let unsuitable people play it."

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Listening to the words of the director and the screenwriter, Lin Yan couldn't help being moved. She knew that they were also under great pressure this time, but she kept holding on without changing roles.

Especially director Guo, who is 60 years old this year, personally manages the play up and down.

The producer on one side looked at the director and the screenwriter with a bitter face. "You two said it lightly. Now I'm carrying all the pressure!"

Director Guo snorted and didn't expose him. If he hadn't argued with the screenwriter Zhao, he would have backed out and prepared to change.

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Zhao Hongling said gratefully, "I know everyone has been under a lot of pressure this time. I really appreciate your teachers' trust in Lin Yan. She will try her best to play this play well, and I will follow the group all the way."

Guo sighed. "I've been filming for more than 30 years since I was 28. I don't know how many years I can shoot. Maybe this is my last play, and I don't want to leave any regrets."

Lin Yan bowed to Director Guo: "director Guo, I promise you, I will try my best."

"OK... Ok..."

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Lin Yan and they were talking. A burst of high-heeled shoes came. Qiao Keyu and his agent Zheng Sijie came over.

Seeing both of them, the director and the producer changed their faces slightly.

The screenwriter was even colder. Naturally, he wanted the most suitable person to play the script he worked hard to write, but Qiao Keyu put pressure on all sides to play the role when he knew he couldn't control the role at all.

Zheng Sijie looked down at Lin Yan and Zhao Hongling, then looked at director Guo and said, "director Guo, I don't know what I told you. How are you thinking?"

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Old Guo's face was slightly heavy and tried to speak gently, "this... Agent Zheng, but she is a very excellent artist. However, the role of our play may not be suitable for her. She has more and better choices..."

Obviously, he refused.

Qiao kexuan's face slightly changed and said faintly, "Guo Dao means that my acting is not as good as Lin Yan, isn't it?"

Old Guo frowned. If you tell the truth, it's really... Not comparable.

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Although Lin Yan entered the industry much later than Qiao Keyu, he has high talent, hard work and rapid progress. Looking at the whole entertainment industry, few people can match him.

When the producer saw this, he was afraid that director Guo accidentally told the truth. He was busy before he opened his mouth and came out to make a round, "my great beauty Qiao! Look what you said, director Guo just said that this role is not suitable for you. Where does it mean that your acting skills are not good? Isn't it obvious to all in the entertainment industry!"

Producer Qin Qiuping followed and said, "well, Qiao Damei, I have another film next year, which is also a big producer. The lineup and resources are definitely no lower than this one this year, and the script is tailor-made for you. At that time, please be sure to admire Qiao Damei to play the heroine!"

The circle has long known the relationship between Qiao kexuan and the Pei family. Qiao kexuan is very likely to become the third young grandmother of the Pei family. If old Guo didn't insist on his own way, he must have Lin Yan play the hostess. Naturally, he didn't want to offend her, so he would have replaced Lin Yan long ago

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