"Oh, since Miss Qiao doesn't call, why don't I call him over?"

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The moment Lin Yan's voice fell, all the people present were stunned.

After Lin Yan said something, Zheng Sijie laughed, "Lin Yan, are you suffering from fantasy? You asked San Shao to come out? Who do you think you are!"

Lin Yan smiled: "who am I? I'm his father."

"You..." Zheng Sijie was surprised by Lin Yan's nonsense. "Lin Yan! I think you're crazy! You've rubbed the heat against San Shao! Dare you say such terrible words!"

Qiao kexuan looked down at Lin Yan, with sympathy on his face, like looking at a clown.

Not to mention Qiao Keyu and Zheng Sijie, producer Qin and Duoduo are also full of incredible faces.

Zhao Hongling frowned slightly. Based on her understanding of Lin Yan, Lin Yan is not the kind of person who has no sense of propriety, but Lin Yan's words just now really crossed the line. It's not like what Lin Yan's character would say

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But Zhao Hongling really can't think of a reasonable explanation for this.

Duoduo grabbed Lin Yan, "sister Yan, what are you talking about!"

Producer Qin was almost scared to cry. "My aunt, please forgive me! If this word gets out, we will all have no good fruit to eat!"

Lin Yan gave several a reassuring expression, and then continued to look at Qiao Keyu and said, "it seems that Miss Qiao can't call people out at all."

Joe's eyes narrowed slightly. Does Lin Yan know anything?

Know Pei Yutang can't come tonight?

No, it's impossible. How could she know

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Joe soon gave up the idea.

Zheng Sijie looked contemptuous, "Lin Yan, you let Qiao Keyu call three shaos one by one. What's your heart? Shouldn't it be another way to seduce men with your flattery!"

Qiao kexuan looked at Lin Yan coldly: "Lin Yan, who do you think sanshao is? You deserve him to come forward in person?"

Lin Yan determined that Qiao Keyu couldn't call anyone, so he nodded and said, "OK, if you don't call, I'll call."

Then he picked up his cell phone and broadcast a number.

The other end of the cell phone is almost connected in seconds.

Pei Yutang: "Moxi? Dad?"

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Lin Yan: "where are you now?"

Pei Yutang: "ah? I'm at the Imperial Hotel. What's the matter?"

Very good. It's very close to the banquet hall, only one road away.

Lin Yan looked at the time on his mobile phone and said, "I'll give you five minutes to come to the banquet hall for the anniversary."

Pei Yutang's tone on the other end of the mobile phone was very embarrassed: "ah? No, I'm talking about racing with the manager of Leiyin team..."

Lin Yan: "five minutes later, if I don't see you, you may never see a racing car in your life. You are welcome to the Royal boarding school of Y country."

Pei Yutang: "...!! Dad, I'll be right there!"

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After Lin Yan hung up the phone, Zheng Sijie and Qiao kexuan looked at her, all looking at the expression of a fool.

Zheng Sijie sneered, "Lin Yan, no wonder director Guo values you so much. Your acting skills are too good! It's really like! Can you call San Shao over? Which onion are you? It's killing me!"

Lin Yan didn't speak, just took a look at the time on the mobile phone, "what's the hurry? Which onion do I count? Don't you know in five minutes?"

Joe's look was like looking at a clown. She didn't know the meaning of Lin Yan's lie.

Even though Lin Yan may really get Pei Yutang's contact information by some means, Pei Yutang obviously has a very important thing tonight. He made it clear when he just sent a text message. Even if the heavenly king Lao Tzu came, it is impossible to ask him over.

Lin Yan?

It's probably that when people don't arrive for a while, they say that the other party has something to settle.

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