Seeing that Qiao Keyu and Zheng Sijie don't give themselves face at all, Qin Qiu's plane color is slightly heavy.

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Although Pei Yutang does not participate in JM management, he is, after all, the third youngest member of the Pei family. There are all senior contacts in the circle, which has helped Qiao kexuan lead a lot of lines.

For Pei Yutang, Qiao Keyu is definitely a confidant with a very important position.

Moreover, Pei Yutang still has shares in peak entertainment, and the share is not low.

Although it is said that he has been sanctioned by general manager Pei and cannot use these shares, he still has the right to speak in peak entertainment. At that time, he will really go to Pei Yutang. Even if he and director Guo can't decide the candidate for the female leader.

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These things are naturally very clear to other senior executives of peak entertainment.

These people are used to observing their words and colors. They will not miss such a good opportunity to climb up the Pei family.

One of the senior executives, who was 40 or 50 years old and slightly fat, said, "in terms of seniority and ability, but he really has to surpass Lin Yan. I think the heroine of director Guo's play is very suitable for him!"

Duoduo was furious and lowered his voice to Lin flue, "this director Wang is clearly in charge of the public relations department. How can he read the unpublished script of director Guo?

He opened his eyes and lied that Joe was suitable for the heroine of the play without even reading the script? Also, in terms of seniority and ability, it's clear that sister Yan, you're stronger, okay! "

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As soon as Duoduo's voice fell, another senior manager in a dark blue suit echoed, "the most important thing for peak entertainment to be the leader in the industry is the rules. Without rules, there is no place. But you can rest assured that we will give you a satisfactory way to deal with this matter."

"Good, good."

Several other executives and shareholders agreed.

The several people present are all the top leaders with the most voice of peak entertainment. They put such collective pressure on Guo Changfeng, which is almost impossible to continue.

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Although he is a director, the play is still a top entertainment investment after all.

"Thank you, president Xu, director Li and director Sun." Qiao kexuan glanced in the direction of Lin Yan, and then thanked several senior managers one by one.

Zheng Sijie also said, "fortunately, the company still has some sensible people to protect Keyu, otherwise we will be bullied to death. I will tell sanshao later."

Hearing that Zheng Sijie said she would speak well in front of Pei Yutang, several senior executives achieved their goals. Naturally, they were very satisfied.

Vice president Xu of Peak Entertainment cleared his throat and said directly, "OK, let's settle this matter. Director Guo, the female owner of your new play will be OK. There are also my advertising and Lin Yan. With your current ability, you can't be competent for such an important endorsement. This representative is more appropriate."

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Zheng Sijie looked at Lin Yan and Zhao Hongling with pride and sarcasm, "director Zhao, I said earlier, let you recognize the identity and status of your artists and don't make unrealistic fantasies. Some things can't be robbed if you want to."

Zhao Hongling had expected that the top management of the company would be on Qiao kexuan's side, but the situation tonight was worse than she thought.

She naturally wants to argue, but her heart is very clear that no matter what she says today, no matter how legitimate Lin Yan met those resources, these people will not pay attention to them.

Lin Yan didn't speak, just poured Guo Dao a cup of tea, and then glanced at the time on his mobile phone from time to time.

Five minutes passed quickly, and there was less than one minute left.

Vice president Xu looked at Lin Yan seriously and said, "Lin Yan, I'll arrange someone to connect with your agent and deal with the contract for the resources you robbed before. Then, you can apologize to Ke Yu. This matter is over."

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