The assistant said, "the manager is actually kind. After all, no one knows that things will reverse so quickly, but thanks to Xie's foresight, he asked someone to send the contract to Lin Yan in advance."

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Xie Zheng was relieved that Lin Yan was fine.

However, this change in Pei Yutang's attitude does seem a little unusual


"Sister Yan, look at the news on the Internet. San Shao has personally clarified..."

At the end of Lin Yan's interview, Duoduo told her what happened online. Pei Yutang acted very quickly.

Lin Yan took a look at Pei Yutang's microblog and several popular revelations.

Pei Yutang's face was full of praise. If he had a tail behind him now, he must have shaken fast.

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"Dad, how are you? Are you satisfied?" Pei Yutang smiled.

Lin Yan glanced at him: "did you write this microblog yourself?"

It doesn't look like Pei Yutang's style at all.

Pei Yutang immediately said, "of course I wrote it myself!"

On one side, Duoduo sniffed the speech and pulled slightly from the corners of his mouth, but he didn't dare to expose it.

Lin Yan didn't speak, just looked at him, and then continued to brush the microblog.

In the next second, Lin Yan brushed another version of the announcement issued by Pei Yutang.

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[Pei Yutang: I don't have any relationship with Qiao kexuan for a dime. I used to be an ordinary friend, but she spent money to buy announcements, stir up rumors about our relationship, spread rumors about our relationship, use my relationship to bully others, and most importantly, bully my father. Don't blame me for being rude!]

The netizens in the following comments have laughed crazy.

[ha ha, ha ha, I'm laughing to death. Come and see. This is the first version of Pei Yutang's announcement. Later, he deleted it and changed the later official version. It should be deleted and reissued by people at peak entertainment!]

[I suddenly think Pei Yutang is so cute! But my focus is, who is Pei Yutang's father?]

[we all know that Lin Yan is the bully of Qiao kexuan. Isn't Pei Yutang's "father" Lin Yan?]

[I'll go. What's the relationship between Pei Yutang and Lin Yan? Can Pei Yutang call her father? Should they be a couple? That's why Pei Yutang was angry with Guan and defended his genuine girlfriend?]

[is your brain hole too big? Who calls his girlfriend dad? It's said that Lin Yan is also a professional racing driver. He helped Pei Yutang win a race before, so he has a good relationship.]

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Lin Yan looked at Pei Yutang's original announcement. His face was as black as the bottom of the pot. He shouldn't have a glimmer of expectation for the bear child.

Although Zhao Hongling found it early and asked him to delete it again, there are still quick screenshots of netizens.

Pei Yutang Yu Guang saw Lin Yan's mobile phone screen, first stepped back to a safe distance, and then weakly said, "what, your agent helped me change it, but the general meaning is almost the same..."

Lin Yan: "

Almost a fart!

It's almost there!

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Zhao Hongling sent the reporter away, walked in and said, "there's no big problem. I've arranged the public relations department to control and comment. According to your previous explanation, it's because you helped him win a game."

Lin Yan looked at Zhao Hongling gratefully: "sister Ling, it's hard for you."

Fortunately, Zhao Hongling is watching here, otherwise I don't know what the netizen's brain is like.

As soon as the voice fell, Lin Yan's mobile phone rang, which was called by Xie Zheng.

Pei Yutang Yu Guang caught a glimpse of a man's name and hurriedly asked, "Dad, who is Xie Zheng?"

Lin Yan: "your grandpa."

Pei Yutang: "...??"

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