As soon as Lin Yan's voice fell, Ling Yang suddenly blacked his face. Other Chinese players present were also full of incredible faces.

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Su Cai exclaimed, "Lin Yan, are you crazy! Yang God is not qualified to teach you?"

Not to mention other teams, the members of the aurora team were shocked by this.

Zhou Yue, Zheng xuran and Shao Haicheng looked at each other, and their expressions looked speechless.

Last time, Zhou Yue had to compete with Lin Yan because she was not satisfied with Lin Yan. As a result, she lost eight consecutive games and was directly abused by blood. These people in the team were still convinced of Lin Yan's ability.

Zhou Yue muttered, "I admit that Lin Yan is stronger than me, and she is really strong, but she is nothing in front of Yang God, okay!"

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Zheng xuran stood up, "who gave her the courage to say such words in front of Yang God? It's too floating! Yang God can kill her with a little finger! She can only get in front of us!"

Shao Haicheng shook his head: "after all, I haven't participated in any large-scale competition. It's just a frog at the bottom of a well."


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Mo Shuyun ignored the words of others in the team, touched his chin and whispered to Qi Feng, "although it's a little arrogant to say this about the goddess, seriously, the skills the goddess usually tells us are more practical than Ling Yang's theories and operations that people don't understand."

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Qi Feng yawned. "Agree, I'm almost asleep after hearing what Ling Yang said."

Yunxuan stood quietly in the crowd, staring at the direction of Lin Yan, and his face stopped talking. He also heard the voice from Lin Yan's mobile phone just now.

Finally, Yunxuan couldn't help asking, "master... Do you... Do you have any other disciples?" Lin Yan was stunned when he heard the speech. He felt his nose slightly guilty, coughed and said, "what... I received it before... It can be regarded as your senior brother!"

Yun Xuan's face was slightly stiff. "So... Is... Elder martial brother powerful? I don't know if I can be divided into a group with elder martial brother this time..."

In order to hide his identity, Lin Yan waved his hand, "no, you can't be divided together. Your senior brother has to pick his feet. He didn't even participate in the third league!"

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Yunxuan seemed relieved when he heard the speech, but he also had some regrets.

At this time, Qi Shaoyuan didn't know where he came out. He poked his head, looked at Lin Yan with black lines and said, "boss, it's not good for you to cheat other children so much..."

Qi Shaoyuan said excitedly, "by the way, boss, what was on the phone just now is the wave Python God! It must be the wave Python God. His voice is too sensitive and recognizable!"

Lin Yan stared at Qi Shaoyuan, "keep your voice down."

Qi Shaoyuan quickly hushed, "don't worry, boss. I'm tight lipped. I haven't even said half a word to Wei Xufeng. He doesn't know you're the boss until now."

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Lin Yan nodded with satisfaction, "good, I'm going to the game."


After this episode, all the players drove to their assigned field.

Spectator stands have been arranged in the three competition areas of ABC. Because Ling Yang, the most likely racer in Huaguo District, is divided into competition area a, the number of spectators in competition area a is the largest, and the price of scalper tickets has been fried ten times.

After all, people pay money to see the scene. Most of them must go for the champion

At the moment, Wei Xufeng was furious in Qi Shaoyuan's car, "shit! Qi Shaoyuan! You're so brain crippled! You can buy a ticket wrong! I asked you to buy me a ticket for division a, and you bought me Division C?"

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