Pei Yucheng went to the kitchen to bring soup. Lin Yan looked carefully in the direction of the kitchen while being "humble" for fear of being found by Pei Yucheng.

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Wang Jingyang looked at Lin Yan and Pei Yutang and said, "what's wrong with you two?"

Wang Jingyang said and directly stuffed the ribs Lin Yan had sandwiched for him into his mouth.

Lin Yan and Pei Yutang suddenly became quiet, and they stared at Wang Jingyang closely.

At the same time, seeing that Wang Jingyang had started, the white crane, who could not wait for a long time, hurriedly picked up a chopstick and braised the lion's head and stuffed one into it.

Lin Yan and Pei Yutang looked at the white crane immediately.

The white crane, who was chewing, suddenly became stiff.

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The impatient expression on Wang Jingyang's face suddenly became blank for a moment. The expression seemed confused and unbelievable, and then became more and more ugly at the speed visible to the naked eye.

Pei Yutang saw an expected expression, and his face was full of lingering palpitations. He was just on pins and needles, but he didn't dare to go under the pressure of Lin Yan.

The next second, Wang Jingyang's throat vomited, and he was about to spit out the spare ribs. The white crane almost did the same action as Wang Jingyang at the same time, and his expression was similar to eating Shi.

Lin Yan had been on guard for a long time. Before Wang Jingyang and the white crane spit out, he opened his bow left and right. One hand covered the mouth of the white crane and the other covered Wang Jingyang's mouth. Without precaution, they were forced to swallow back by Lin Yan.

"Here! Lao Zi! Swallow! Go!" Lin Yan opened his mouth and stared at them with threatening eyes.

The white crane was frightened and shivered, "elder martial sister..."

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Lin Yan: "swallow!"

"Gulu..." the white crane could only swallow the lion's head with a strong resistance to the very strange and frightening smell.

Lin Yan covered it too hard. Wang Jingyang could only swallow the food in his mouth in order to breathe, and then "Wuwuwuwu" wanted to talk.

Lin Yan forced: "swallow it and talk to me again!"

Wang Jingyang continued to sob. His face turned red. He pulled Lin Yan's hand open and spit out a bone. "I spit out a bone!!! You want to choke me!"

Lin Yan coughed softly, "you said earlier!"

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Wang Jingyang said with a gloomy face and gnashing his teeth, "good brothers are blessed to share???"

Lin Yan touched his nose. "My boyfriend made it himself. It's not a blessing to share."

He believed her ghost! It's so clear that we share difficulties!

Wang Jingyang stood up and left immediately.

Lin Yan glanced in the direction of the kitchen, then held him down, "sit down! I'll give you ten yuan for a bite!"

Wang Jingyang sneered: "Oh, my life is worth ten yuan???"

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Lin Yan said with a painful expression: "well, I'll add some more, eleven yuan, no more."

Wang Jingyang turned around and was about to leave. Seeing Pei Yucheng coming with soup, Lin Yan hurriedly said, "100 yuan, 100 yuan! 100 yuan for a mouthful!"

Wang Jingyang accidentally picked his eyebrows. Unexpectedly, Lin Yan was willing to open such a sky high price.

This dead girl, she's so fucked. He has to eat her out of money!!!

So Wang Jingyang sat back with his teeth clenched. "Oh, that's what you said!"

At the same time, Pei Yucheng came over with a bowl of soup and asked, "how does it taste?"

Without waiting for Pei Yucheng to speak, Lin Yan picked up a chopstick ribs, instantly pressed down his distorted expression, tasted it and opened his mouth, "delicious, great! Honey, your cooking has made great progress!"

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