Meanwhile, across the ocean, WZ team.

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After each important event, major teams will hold a meeting, as will WZ team, watching the event video together for learning and replay.

At the moment, all the drivers and crew members are sitting in the hall.

What people are most concerned about is naturally that the biggest dark horse in the global league, a female driver from China, has won the championship for the first time in such an advanced event as the global league!

However, the girl's driving skills seem to be very ordinary, there is no redundant skills, and there seems to be no learning value. Therefore, several team members in the hall are lack of interest.

Several people wanted to leave in advance. However, at this time, langmang, butcher, K and sun shuoran appeared in the hall at the same time.

Other drivers and crew members saw that all four of them subconsciously stood up and greeted respectfully.

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Even the team manager was a little surprised, "Why are you here? Is there something urgent?"

It's hard to see one at ordinary times. Today, all four are here. How many days can these four guys appear together?

Lang Python waved his hand impatiently, "what else can I do here? Of course, I'm here to watch and learn!"

Team manager: "... What???"


These big players actually came to see the video learning of the world's third league?

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"Did I hear you right? Lang Python came to watch and study?"

"I must be hallucinating..."


The butcher sat down after him and glanced at the noisy crowd with a warning look. "Quiet, I can't hear the sound."

K and sun shuoran also sat down next to the butcher and langmang.

The needles can be heard in the whole screening hall. The children who were still bragging and farting just now don't even dare to make a sound.

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Everyone is muttering in their hearts. They don't know what these great gods are doing here!

Although they are all in the same team, they are at a strict level. The top teams such as langmang butcher are similar to superstars. They are the best in both dormitories and training venues. Their ordinary members are usually hard to see.

The people in the hall waited for a long time, trying to figure out the intentions of the four people.

As a result, unexpectedly, the four people were really watching the event video quietly and seriously, as if they were really to watch and learn.

The team manager was so moved and tearful that he took this opportunity to educate these high eyed bastards, "look, even so many predecessors who are better than you are studying hard, but you don't know how to cherish such a good learning opportunity and environment, and don't cheer me up!"

"Yes, yes..."

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"The manager is right!"

The crowd echoed one after another, but they all whispered to themselves. Who knows what wind these great gods are smoking today.

At this time, I don't know who was unconvinced whispered, "Captain, you know to teach us a lesson. No matter how to take care of the boy Mi Xiu, he doesn't train his sister in the bar every day. He didn't even show his face in such an important observation meeting today..."

"Er..." the manager was speechless when he heard the team members' complaints.

Mi Xiu is the seed player of WZ. He is the key training object with high talent. He is the most likely member to enter the first team, but he is not disciplined.

It's not his intention to indulge. Most of the talented drivers are unruly. Besides, this boy is still an apprentice of langmang. He's even more unruly than his master. He's really powerless and can't control it!

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