Now, all the four disciples panicked.

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If they lose the bet, they really don't have to hang around in the circle.

master worker!!!

If they can, they simply want to rush to China from the live camera!

Sun Shuo ran wiped his sweat, "second senior brother, I'm really going to be killed by you!!!"

Then he hurriedly dialed the phone, "Hello, Jennifer, now immediately arrange a skilled makeup artist for me! What? I don't make up! Let her help me turn my abs more obvious! What, can the mermaid thread be turned? Give me a set if you can!"

Lang Mang: "

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Butcher: "

Sun shuoran and his two elder martial brothers looked at each other and said, "elder martial brother, third martial brother, would you like to arrange it too? I'll make an appointment for you!"

The wave Python rolled his eyes. "No, thank you. I have that thing myself!"

The butcher pinched his eyebrows and said he didn't want to talk to sun Shuo ran, "is this the focus of attention? Ah?"

Sun shuoran shrunk his neck and muttered, "why don't you pay attention to the key point? So many female fans, if they are in poor shape after streaking, won't they be ridiculed to death! Not to mention streaking with the three of you, there's no harm without comparison..."

Lang Mang, butcher: "

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When sun Shuo saw that king was the only one sitting there watching the live broadcast, he couldn't help but say with suspicion, "second elder martial brother, if you are so calm, it won't be... It won't be lifting the iron behind our back these days!"

He deeply doubted that he could do such a thing with the insidious of his second son.

King glanced sideways at Sun Shuo. "Are you an idiot?"

Sun Shuo blew his hair. "Why am I an idiot? Why aren't you in a hurry!"

King looked at the two racing cars on the screen, "even if the master intends to teach us a lesson, MI Xiu may not win today."

"What?" Sun Shuo ran was surprised when he heard the speech. "With the strength of little fan Xiu, if the master doesn't come out, he has almost no opponent. How can he lose!"

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King: "see for yourself."

At this moment, sun shuoran finally looked at the live picture again. Then he, langmang and the butcher were surprised to find that the car immediately behind Mi Xiu chased down, drove side by side with MI Xiu, and even had a faint trend to catch up with MI Xiu!

"What!!!" Sun Shuo stood up in surprise. "What's the origin of that boy? He can keep pace with little fan Xiu!"

Lang Mang's eyes narrowed slightly, "it seems to be a newcomer to the aurora team in China."

Butcher: Aurora motorcade? Isn't that a motorcade with Shifu

King touched his chin: "is it my illusion? How do I feel... Some skills and styles of this new man... Are so similar to master?"

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Sun Shuo ran as like as two peas in a row, and suddenly felt something wrong. "Oh, dear! Really! Especially when the curve was just turned, it was the same angle. The driver in normal circumstances would not handle it, it was the habit of the master."

The butcher's eyes shrunk: "super!"

Lang mang brushed up, as if he couldn't believe it.

However, in the live video, Michelle was really overtaken by the new man in a hairpin bend.

The wave Python patted the table hard: "how possible!"

His apprentice, if he lost to the master, how could he casually lose to a novice!?

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