"Grandpa, you know, you are my idol and the star of my life! Please teach me some tricks!" Michelle looked at him eagerly.

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It's a pity that Yeva had retired from the circle when he first visited the master. Even the masters and martial uncles didn't hear from her. He was once very sorry for this.

Unexpectedly, he was lucky to race on the same track with grandpa!

Don't be too happy!

Now he finally understood why they looked so envious when he learned that he could play in the world's second league.

How can sun shuoran tolerate another object competing for favor? He quickly pulled Mi Xiu away, "why? Why! This is my master, not your master. Please find your master!"

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Sun Shuo ran said, looking at Lin Yan with tearful eyes, "master, even if you have a new apprentice, I must be your favorite one, okay!"

King glanced contemptuously at him and said, "what's your favorite? When did master love you? Besides, it's obvious that younger martial brother is better and more favored."

Sun shuoran was about to cry on the spot. He rubbed his tears directly on Lin Yan's clothes while racing, "Shifu!!! Shifu, is everything he said true? Shifu, I'm really not your favorite little apprentice? Shifu, have you never loved me, Yingying..."

Lin Yan took a silent look at King, "what's wrong? What did you provoke him to do?"

Don't you think she's annoying enough

"All love, all love!" Lin's cigarette ends are going to explode.

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Sun Shuo ran reluctantly accepted the answer and sobbed, "well... Master, you have nothing else to hide from me..."

"No, no! There's nothing to hide from you!" Lin Yan vowed to shut up the goods.

The butcher opened the mother-in-law's sun Shuo and couldn't wait to say, "master, let's have a competition!!!"

The eyes of Lang Python and king also lit up, "yes, master, I haven't run together for a long time!"

Lin Yan looked at the eager appearance of several disciples. As a master, he really felt guilty in the past two years, so he said happily, "OK! Just look at how much you have improved in the past two years."

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"I want it too, I want it too!" Michelle, who had just been abused, also crowded over.

Yunxuan borrowed a car from MI Xiu.

Soon, a row of cars stopped neatly at the starting line and rushed into the night with the pleasant sound of the engine

Heat waves are surging in everyone's heart

Just when several people were in high spirits and ready for a good competition, a silver luxury car suddenly came face-to-face from the opposite direction, which immediately startled everyone.

Even the battle hardened Lin Yan was shocked.

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What the hell!

Who drives in the opposite direction, or on this super high-speed racing track, don't you die?

Even if he doesn't die himself, others will die!

"What happened..."

Seeing that the car was driving faster and faster, it was about to hit and didn't slow down. Lin Yan quickly turned around to avoid the car.

However, what made Lin Yan speechless was that the car turned left and right like a snake. He chased in which direction she hid.

Although Lin Yan had learned all his life, he couldn't escape. The right side of the front collided with the silver luxury car and made a huge noise!

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