Pei Yucheng's dark eyes are emotions that Lin Yan can't understand.

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After a long time, the man said, "yes, but at that time, you didn't know that the consciousness attached to you was me."

Lin Yan shook his head. "I don't mean that. I mean... Earlier... For example, five years ago... Six years ago... Do you know me?"

Pei Yucheng's eyes flashed slightly: "why do you ask?"

He knew her naturally.

However, in a sense, Lin Yan doesn't know him anymore.

At that time, she had forgotten the Mu family, the Holy Land and everything about them. What she knew was Pei Yucheng, but not him.

Lin Yan: "you answer me first."

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I don't know why, I care about this problem.

Pei Yucheng fixed his eyes on the girl in front of him: "yes."

Lin Yan was surprised and was stunned for several seconds. "Know? I mean, five or six years ago, you knew me so early?"

Pei Yucheng's glasses covered the complex look at the bottom of his eyes, "maybe earlier than you think, and I like your time earlier than you think."

Lin Yan: "ha...?"

Pei Yucheng: "from the first time I saw you, I was fascinated by you, thinking about you day and night."

Lin Yan: "...?"

Pei Yucheng: "those who say that the spring breeze is warm must have never seen your smile, and those who say that candy is sweet must have never heard your voice. You are like a fairy in the sky. I think it's a gift even if I look more."

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Lin Yan: "...??"

Believe him!

I really thought they knew each other long ago!

Isn't that what she said to Pei Yucheng when she farted with rainbow?

Lin Yan glared at Pei Yucheng, "Hey! You tease me again! Why learn from me!"

Unexpectedly, she remembered every word she said. Lin Yan's cheeks were hot and inexplicably had a sense of shame.

Pei Yucheng smiled: "it's just the truth."

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Lin Yan completely understood that Pei Yucheng was teasing himself, so he was a little relieved and muttered to himself, "in short, I haven't abandoned you all the time..."

Pei Yucheng heard the girl's whisper and raised his eyebrows slightly: "always abandon?"

Lin Yan coughed softly and said awkwardly, "well, it's not that you suddenly said that sentence today, which makes me wonder if I have abandoned you all the time, and even forgot to have a child..."

As Lin Yan said, he patted his chest with lingering fear: "I just said, how can I do such a thing as throwing away my husband and son."

Pei Yucheng: "


After Lin Yan finally fell asleep.

In the silent yard, father and son stood opposite each other, the atmosphere was tense, and even the surrounding air seemed to be distorted.

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"Why did you say that to your mother today!" Pei Li stood in front of the man with a cold face.

Since mother has long forgotten those sad things in the past, there is no need to remind her of them.

She is happy now.

He thought this should be the consensus between them.

Moreover, over the years, he vaguely found that an extremely powerful and dangerous force has been looking for his mother. Instead of knowing anything, his mother is safe.

Pei Yucheng seemed to see through what his son was thinking.

"Sometimes it's not safe to know nothing. Neither you nor I can ensure that I can protect her all the time, let alone..."

Besides, even if he wants to hide it, he's afraid he can't hide it.

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