The moment he saw the little boy, Lin Yan was startled directly.

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The little guy has a pair of big grape like eyes, snow-white skin, like a jade ball, and his tearful little appearance looks like a lost furry animal, which makes people feel pity and have an inexplicable sense of closeness.

She has never seen such a beautiful child

Oh, no, she has one at home!

"Mom -"

Lin Yan was stunned and bleary. The little guy got up as fast as a suckling swallow in the forest. He rushed into her arms with an arrow step, and his little body trembled slightly.

Suddenly, he rushed into a soft glutinous rice ball in his arms. Lin Yan was stunned there for a moment, "er..."

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How does the child call himself mother?

Lin Yan just thought that the child was frightened and didn't think much. He hurried to check the child's situation, "children, are you hurt?"

At this time, the perpetrator stepped down from the car.

Xiao Yao looked at the child in Lin Yan's arms and frowned. His expression looked very unspeakable.


The little guy in his arms cried very sad. Lin Yan's heart ached and complained to Xiao Yao, "how did you drive!"

I never thought that there would be an accident during her personal teaching, and she didn't even stare.

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What a great reputation!

Xiao Yao looked at the little boy and said coldly, "to tell you the truth, your level of porcelain touching is not high. With my driving skills, you are too clumsy to be believed."

The little guy stuck to Lin Yan's arms like a koala. He held Lin Yan's clothes tightly with his small hands. When he heard the speech, he shrank into Lin Yan's arms, "Mom, this uncle is terrible, mom, I'm in pain..."

Lin Yan comforted the child in his arms and looked angrily at Xiao Yao. "What are you talking about? He's so big and knows what touch porcelain is? He's bad at driving. He's even blamed on a child. Do you know you're a particularly irresponsible behavior!"

At first, Lin Yan also thought it was strange that the child suddenly rushed towards their car in broad daylight, but if it was porcelain, the people behind him should have come out to steal money by now.

But now I haven't seen anyone. It can be seen that it's not what Xiao Yao said.

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Xiao Yao: "

"Children, why are you alone? Where is your home? Is there a phone number for your parents?" Lin Yan asked patiently.

The little guy answered, "I don't have a father... Mother... You are my mother... Where my mother is, my home is..."

Lin Yan had a headache when he listened to the child's words. He turned his head and stared at Xiao Yao. He said in a low voice, "it's over. The child won't have a concussion by you, will he?"

Xiao Yao: "I didn't hit him. He's touch porcelain. I believe you should have professional judgment."

Lin Yan took a deep breath: "my professional judgment is that you should practice your driving skills."

The little guy poked his head out of Lin Yanhuai, "Mom, don't blame this uncle. It's all my own carelessness."

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Lin Yan turned to stare at Xiao Yao: "you see, you're not as sensible as a child!"

Xiao Yao: "

Lin Yan picked up the little guy. "Children, I'll take you to the hospital for examination first. You'll think about it and see if you can remember your parents' names and phone numbers."

The little guy blinked and suddenly asked, "Mom, what's your name?"

Lin Yan was stunned, "ah? Do you say me? My name is Lin Yan."

The little guy looked at her. His eyes were as bright as the sky washed by rain. He opened his mouth and replied, "Mom, my mother's name is Lin Yan!"

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