The lollipop stick in Xingshen's mouth rattled and was directly bitten in two by him. Then his face turned pale and finally turned black.

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That expression, like sitting on the sofa is not a beautiful and lovely baby, but a prehistoric monster.

Cheng Mo also finds that Xingshen's expression is wrong, "what's the matter?"

Xingshen subconsciously stepped back, "he... He..."

Cheng Mo looked with Xingshen's eyes. When he saw the people on the sofa, his pupils contracted instantaneously. He almost couldn't believe his eyes.

Pei Qian!

Cheng Mo was shocked and said, "how could he be here?"

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The star swallowed and spitted, "you ask me, who do I ask? It's a ghost!"

No one expected why Pei Qian, who was far away in his old house and under heavy imprisonment, suddenly appeared in China and went directly to the door.

Just when they were panicked, the sound of opening the door came from the porch.

Immediately after, Perry came in.

It's over. The big one's back!

Pei Li is sharper than Xingshen and Chengmo. He felt the difference as soon as he stepped in the door. His eyes went straight through the trembling Xingshen and Chengmo and looked at the people on the sofa.

Two equally lovely and beautiful little milk balls, one indifferent and the other arrogant, hit each other in the air at the same time.

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For a moment, the air in the whole living room was as if it had been evacuated and distorted by a vacuum pump. The huge pressure made people's internal organs seem to be broken.

But these two seem to have a tacit understanding. The scope of authority is only in the living room, with the kitchen as the dividing line.

"Rely on..." Xingshen was closest to Pei Li. He didn't react at all. His body was impacted by huge energy and directly hit the wall behind him.

Cheng Mo is no better. He is forced to bend his knees and sweat on his forehead.

"Brother Yu, help!" Xingshen lies on the ground and can't move. Only the mechanical arm can lift it a little.

Fortunately, Pei Yucheng was right behind. Shortly after Peili came in, he walked in.

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However, before Xingshen was happy, Pei Yucheng seemed to stimulate the one on the sofa, and the terrible energy pressure around him suddenly doubled.

The confrontation between the two brothers turned into father and son.

Xingshen: "

One is already a nuclear weapon, and another... It's a disaster.

He is afraid to die here today.

"What's going on?" Pei Yucheng's face is slightly heavy and looks at Cheng mo.

Cheng Mo covers his chest. "It's my fault. It's just... I haven't received any news. As of this morning, the news from the old house said that the second young master still stayed in the old house."

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Since Pei Li suddenly appeared in China, Pei Qian has been keeping a close eye on him. His staff has been increased several times. Someone reports the itinerary every day.

I didn't know that this man appeared directly in their country of China and entered Yunjian water villa in a dignified way.

Mingming didn't even touch the alarm. How did he do it?

"Go back." Pei Yucheng's eyes had no emotion and looked coldly at peiqian on the sofa.

Pei Qian's eyes showed a trace of disdain, "do you really think you can lock me up?"

"The fruit is cut -"

Just then, a clear and pleasant voice came from the kitchen.

When the tension reached the extreme, the air seemed to break a big hole, and the pressure disappeared instantly, as if nothing had happened just now.

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