"Mom, dry feet hurt, mom hug!" Pei Qian seems to find that the act of coquetry is particularly useful for Lin Yan, so he directly turns on the coquetry mode.

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Xingshen subconsciously stepped back and let himself stay away from Peili.

Don't kill yourself, little devil. I have to force your brother to beat you!

You can't fight again!

Although Pei Li didn't say a word, Lin Yan could feel the little guy's mood inexplicably.

"Xiao Li, can you? Does your foot hurt?" Lin Yan asked.

Pei Li shook his head. "Sister, I'm fine. Hold your brother."

Pei Qian gave a cold hum secretly. Hum, hypocrisy!

Lin Yan is a little embarrassed. She can obviously feel that Xiaoli is a little emotional because of the arrival of Gan Gan, so she pays special attention to the little guy's mood.

At the moment, if she only held dry, Xiao Li would not say anything if she was so sensible, but she would be lost in her heart.

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Lin Yan scratched his head and thought hard. Yu Guang suddenly glanced at Pei Yucheng.

Lin Yan's eyes lit up, "the two children must be tired after running for so long. Pei Yucheng, hold it. It's too dark. I'm afraid I can't hold it stably."

"Yes." Pei Yucheng nodded obediently, squatted down directly, picked up peiqian in his left hand and Peili in his right hand.

There was no time for the two little guys to refuse.

Pei Qian and Pei Li didn't expect such a result in the end. They were held up by their father unprepared. For a moment, they stared and were stunned.

Lin Yan looked at the two little guys picked up by Pei Yucheng and said he was very satisfied.

So a bowl of water is flat.

She is so clever!

Lin Yan: "that's all right. Let uncle Pei take you away!"

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Pei Qian: "

Pei Li: "

My leg doesn't hurt at all. I even want to run 8000 meters.

Pei Qian and Pei Li seem to be unaccustomed to being so close to Pei Yucheng. The two little milk balls look more and more awkward.

Hard, or mom is better!

The night breeze was cool. Pei Yucheng was afraid that the two children would catch a cold. He took off his coat and wrapped the two children.

Only the small heads of the two small milk balls were exposed, and one occupied the shoulder of his father.

Pei Yucheng held firmly and walked slowly.

Although the two little guys were awkward, they didn't struggle, as if... They weren't as hard to accept as they thought

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Lin Yan followed and looked at Pei Yucheng holding two children. He didn't know why he felt very warm in his heart. He couldn't help but say, "Pei Yucheng..."

Pei Yucheng: "hmm?"

Lin Yan: "if you become a father in the future, you must be a good father!"

Pei Yucheng looked stunned: "really."

Unfortunately, he is not.


This is not far from Yunjian water villa. A family of four soon returned home.

Lin Yan asked the two kids to take a bath and change their clothes again. When arranging the room to sleep, Lin Yan made another difficulty.

Pei Qian must stick to her.

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To her surprise, Pei Li asked for the first time.

Pei Li seemed to hesitate for a long time and finally said firmly, "sister, I also want to sleep with you."

All along, Pei Li gave Lin Yan the impression that he was sensible to heartache, and never took the initiative to put forward any requirements to her.

This is the first time.

Lin Yan has a very gratifying feeling. The child is finally willing to take the initiative to express himself.

So, in this case, how can Lin Yan bear to refuse.

Lin Yan looked at Pei Yucheng for help and asked him with his eyes: what should I do?

Pei Yucheng looked at the girl in front of him and said, "I also want to sleep with you."

Lin Yan: "...??"

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