Meanwhile, in the VIP box.

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Vice President Elvis and a slightly fat foreign man are standing in front of the French window and looking at the field outside.

Elvis looked at Lin Yan's achievements on the big screen and smiled leisurely: "Willie, you should rest assured now. After all, Yeva has left the field for so long and can't reach the peak level at all.

Although she won the first place, this speed can't be compared with her peak period. At this level, there is only abuse in the peak competition, and we don't need to do anything at all... "

"How do you know she's not deliberately hiding her strength?" The man said in a deep voice.

Elvis smiled. "Willie, I've been dealing with you so many times. Have you seen Yeva hide her strength? With her arrogant temperament, it's impossible to do such a thing."


On the field, Lin Yan, who was presenting the award, inexplicably sneezed twice in a row.

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What's going on?

Who's talking about her behind her back?

After the award ceremony, Lin Yan was walking off the stage when a man bumped into him rudely.

When Lin Yan saw the visitor, he raised his eyebrows slightly, "Captain Tang?"

Tang Sheng's face was extremely ugly. He stared at her with split eyes and canthus: "I thought you had some strength, but that's all!"

Tang Sheng seemed to continue to say something, but he was soon dragged away by the team manager behind him.

"Cough, Miss Lin, I'm sorry. He lost the game, so he's not in a good mood. Don't be general with him..."

Lin Yan looked inexplicable.

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"Hello ~ beauty! Wait for me!" The third place Carl happily caught up with the third place trophy.

"Beauty, I didn't expect to see you again! I prayed with God that the world's second league wouldn't meet you. God heard my prayer. However, I didn't expect that the first league still hit! Beauty, can you leave a phone?"

Lin Yan: "

This guy is haunted.

After the third league was abused by her, she always tried to find her, but she ignored it and unexpectedly met her on the podium of the first league.

Lin Yan smiled politely, "sorry, I'm in a hurry. My husband and my son are waiting for me to celebrate."

Carl: "...?!"

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husband! Son???


Finally, he sent Carl away, and Lin Yan returned to the field.

All the members of the aurora team immediately gathered around and cheered happily.

"Long live sister Yan!"

"Captain Niu WOW! Niu WOW! That's great!"

Lin Yan talked with the team members for a while, and then called Mo Shuyun aside.

Lin Yan: "say it."

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Mo Shuyun: "ah? What did you say? Congratulations on the goddess winning the title?"

Lin Yan: "why did you leave suddenly before the game?"

Mo Shuyun suddenly felt guilty. Did Lin Yan find out that he was threatened by the two bosses.

"Er, nothing... Nothing..." Mo Shuyun was a little afraid to say.

Lin Yan gave Mo Shuyun a white look, put his arms around his chest and said angrily, "did you buy thunder and the speed of light and let them deliberately lose to me? Do you think I need to be let???"

Mo Shuyun was directly scolded by Lin Yan and was shocked on the spot: "goddess! What are you... What are you talking about? I bought thunder and the speed of light? Where can I get so much money! How can I have such a big skill! Goddess, you look down on me!"

Lin Yan looked at Mo Shuyun and didn't seem to be lying. "Are you sure you didn't? Why did Ling Yang and Tang Sheng deliberately let me go during the game?"

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