Since Jiufeng can't recover her memory, he can only forcibly help her recover her memory.

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As long as Jiufeng's ability returns, Jiufeng should look at his past love and help him make an evolutionary breakthrough. This is also what Jiufeng once promised him.

If everything goes well and he makes a successful evolutionary breakthrough, Xiaoji is confident that he can fight with that man, Jiufeng... He can hold it.


In the hall, Xiaoji's eyes suddenly opened, and a pair of eyes seemed to contain blue electric light, instantly entering the spiritual field of Lin Yan.

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Xiao Ji has no interest in Lin Yan's privacy. He needs to help Lin Yan find out his lost memory in the shortest time.

However, after searching for a long time, Xiaoji found that Lin Yan didn't seem to have the memory of the past at all. It was completely blank.

About half an hour later, relying on the evolutionary power in the spiritual field, Xiaoji finally found a clue in Lin Yan's spiritual world.

It's not that Lin Yan didn't have this memory, but that this memory was deleted by some of her abilities

Once memory, into thousands of memory fragments.

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No wonder Lin Yan can't remember. Even if she is given thousands of years, it's nonsense that she wants to restore her memory.

At most, some of the tens of millions of memory fragments emerge in the dream, but after waking up, Lin Yan will think he had a dream.

At the moment, Xiao Ji is lost in meditation. Xiao Ji knows a little about Lin Yan's ability by some means, but he doesn't know it very well. Lin Yan seems to have many abilities, and Xiao Ji has also learned Lin Yan's most terrible ability, which is also the reason why Xiao Ji joined Shanhai in that year.

Forest smoke can make evolutors break through the bottleneck and evolve towards the highest level, and can eliminate the irreversible disasters caused by evolution to the body.

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In addition to this ability, Lin Yan's body seems to have some unknowable protective barrier. As for the mental endurance, once it is found by this ability that Lin Yan has endured unbearable pain, it will automatically delete this memory, or even more.

Now, Lin Yan forgets everything in the past, which seems to be caused by this protection mechanism.

Xiao Ji observes Lin Yan's spiritual world. Although the past memory is protected and deleted, if he wants to repair it, it is not impossible, but there are some difficulties.

Xiaoji used evolutionary ability to carefully see the memory fragments of Lin Yan for recombination and splicing.

These memory fragments are very fragile. If external forces intervene and are careless, these memories may disappear completely. Once the memory fragments disappear, there will be no possibility to recover the memory.

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A long time later, Xiaoji saw the memories of her and Pei Yucheng at the spiritual level of Lin Yan. At present, Xiaoji only needs to move some hands and feet. After waking up, Lin Yan will completely forget Pei Yucheng.

Not only that, he can also use this as a basis to modify Lin Yan's relevant memory. Once successful, in Lin Yan's future, there will only be his existence in her heart.

The idea seemed to be just a moment. Xiaoji didn't do so. He didn't change Pei Yucheng's memory, nor did he modify Lin Yan's memory of him.

About a few hours later, Xiao Ji's forehead was full of sweat, and the reorganization and repair of Lin Yan's memory fragments were not as smooth as expected.

Lin Yan's spiritual world seems to hide some evolutionary power that even he can't understand, and this power can even kick his spiritual power out of Lin Yan's spiritual world.

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