As long as his heart still has a trace of family affection for Xiaoji, even if he wavers for a moment, Xiaoji can seize the gap and completely control him with spiritual power. Therefore, Xiaoji dares to say that he has no hope of winning, even a little.

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Since childhood, the parents of their three brothers have died in the war in the evolutionist world. They depend on each other. Xiaoji replaces his parents and takes care of him and Xiaoze since childhood. Under such bad circumstances, they have not even suffered the slightest injustice or injury.

In Xiao Yao's eyes, Xiao Ji was kind and gentle, and took great care of him and Xiao Ze.

But I don't know when, Xiaoji has completely changed. He has become a tyrant without any water. In the evolutionary country he founded, he covers the sky with one hand, has an uncontrollable desire for power, and wants to expand his territory infinitely and even rule the whole evolutionary world.

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Even, he did not hesitate to give up the power he had painstakingly built for many years, found Shanhai with strong eyes, and became a member of Shanhai.

Xiao Yao was saved by Jiufeng in the mountains and seas, and he also knew the magical evolutionary power of Jiufeng. In Xiao Yao's opinion, Xiao Ji learned this power of Jiufeng and hid his nature. He is bound to use the power of Jiufeng to help him break through the ultimate bottleneck of the evolutionist, not only to treat his body that is about to be damaged due to his strength, but once Xiao Ji evolves again, Then his evolutionary power will really turn into the deep sea, which can no longer be measured.

In fact, for Xiaoyao, Xiaoji doesn't care whether he can break through the bottleneck and continue to evolve. It's just that he shouldn't always hurt the friends he cares about.

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"Xiao Ji, I may not be able to take her away today, but you should know her identity. I think many people will be worried that she is missing." Xiao Yao said.

Xiaoji glanced at Xiaoyao and immediately said with a smile, "you don't have to threaten me. Xingchuan should tell those people that she is here."

Xiaoyao couldn't understand it. Looking at Xiaoji, it was indeed Xingchuan who told him that Lin Yan was in Xiaoji's manor, but why did Xiaoji know that it was Xingchuan and determined that Xingchuan would tell others, which seems unreasonable.

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"Xiao Yao, I tell you, nowadays, Lin Yan is the safest only here." Without giving Xiao Yao a chance to think, Xiao Ji continued.

Hearing the sound, Xiao Yao smiled coldly: "you don't have to say this in front of me. He is safer around Pei Yucheng."

"Pei Yucheng?" Xiaoji's mouth couldn't help rising, "Oh... Are you talking about Pei Yucheng, the traitor who led to the destruction of the mountain and sea."

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"Lead to the destruction of the whole army?" Xiao Yao frowned lightly. He didn't know about it. Although his third brother Xiao Ze said in the past that the destruction of mountains and seas may be due to Pei Yucheng, Xiao Ze didn't mention it, so Xiao Yao didn't take it seriously.

No matter when Jiufeng became a professional Racer abroad after losing his memory, or when he came to China, Xiao Yao could see that Pei Yucheng was sincere to Lin Yan and could not harm Lin Yan. He never wanted to let Lin Yan recover his memory and use Lin Yan's ability to evolve again.

At least in Xiaoyao's cognition, Pei Yucheng hopes that Lin Yan can enjoy this ordinary happiness. Moreover, Pei Yucheng has any reason to harm Lin Yan and make the mountain and sea disappear completely.

Shanhai and the evolutionary clan behind Pei Yucheng have no conflict of interest, or even the slightest intersection.

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