"When the mountains and seas were targeted, in fact, the seven generations should know that it was entirely because of the ability of Jiufeng. For the holy land, Jiufeng must be removed. If the seven generations are ready, tianamnesty will reappear."

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Pei Yucheng's eyes fell on the man's black robe and whispered, "so, prepare well.

"It's really unexpected that the seven generations, as one of the most outstanding and beloved disciples of the Lord of the holy land, now have to fight against the holy land."

With that, another young man walked slowly into Pei Yucheng's study.

Looking at the visitor, Pei Yucheng didn't say a word.

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"Heaven forgives the deep sea. I have seen seven generations." With a smile on his lips, the young man bent over Pei Yucheng.

"Deep sea, you used to be a disciple of the holy land. You should know the power of the holy land." The sky looks into the deep sea.

Deep sea was also a disciple of the Holy Land in those days. Later, he left the holy land with Pei Yucheng and became a member of tianamnesty.

"The power of the holy land is not only the Holy Lord, but also the evolutionary level of every holy land member. The holy land has existed for thousands of years, and the Holy Lord of this generation is the strongest person worthy of it. No one knows what field the evolutionary level reaches.

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When the fourth generation of amnesty came, it was almost uprooted by the holy land. The seventh generation should know this best. "

Since the fourth generation of amnesty, the power of amnesty has been enough to affect the whole evolutionary world, and this power regards balance as the holy land of all, which is not allowed. Since then, the holy land has used most of its power to destroy amnesty.

Pei Yucheng was once a member of the Holy Land extermination group, but Pei Yucheng did not agree with the means of the holy land.

Pei Yucheng had a good relationship with the sixth generation of tianamnesty. Although he was forced to encircle and suppress the sixth generation of tianamnesty, he finally rescued him in time.

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Pei Yucheng's behavior is equivalent to betraying the holy land. Since then, Pei Yucheng has not returned to the holy land, but has become the seventh generation of amnesty.

"Tao Tian, why do you think the seven generations have been silent for so many years in order to avoid the pursuit of the Holy Land and conserve their energy?" The man said.

"It's for the mountains and seas." The sky is full of thoughts.

"Like the seven generations, Jiufeng was once a member of the Holy Land and the most beloved disciple of the Lord of the holy land. However, every man is innocent and bears his guilt. Jiufeng has extremely special abilities, which can make the evolutionist break through the limit and repair the sequelae of the evolutionist due to evolution. These abilities are used properly, just like creating God."

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"Jiufeng is the wife of the seventh generation. In that case... The holy land is not enough to be afraid. As long as Jiufeng is willing to help the seventh generation, the ability of the seventh generation will surpass all evolutors in a short time." An inexplicable luster flashed in the towering eyes.

"Unfortunately, Jiufeng has lost her memory, and the seventh generation will not force Jiufeng to think of the past. I understand that as long as the Holy Land stops, the seventh generation only wants to live a safe and stable life with Jiufeng." Deep sea smiled at Pei Yucheng.

"Unless the holy land can't find the mountain and sea Jiufeng, however, it's not peaceful recently. Xiaoji has leaked the information of Jiufeng. I'm afraid that evolutionists all over the world have known that it's not easy to keep the wife of seven generations." Towering light way.

"Xiao Ji?"

After touching his chin and meditating for a moment, the deep sea said, "I know something about Xiaoji... He was once a member of Shanhai. He has great ambition and has been trying to control the whole evolutionary world.

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