"Go out and play." Pei Yucheng looks at Pei Li and Pei Qian and opens his mouth.

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Obviously, I have something to say to Lin Yan alone.

However, what Pei Yucheng said seemed to be automatically filtered by the big and small demons. No one even paid attention to him and didn't even look at him.

Pei Li: "sister, what's the matter? Are you hurt?"

Pei Qian: "Mom, do you care? Is there anything wrong? Do you want to go to the hospital?"

Pei Yucheng: "

"It doesn't matter to me. You're fine." Lin Yan smiled.

Pei Yucheng looked helpless and pinched the center of his eyebrows. Then he looked serious and said again: "go out."

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Pei Li: "sister, have you met a bad man?"

Pei Qian: "Mom, who bullied you? Tell me. I'll avenge my mother."

Pei Yucheng: "

Lin Yan looked at peiqian and Peili and said, "good, babies, go out first."

Pei Li: "OK."

Pei Qian: "well, I just wanted to go out with brother Xiaoli."

With that, Pei Qian and Pei Li immediately left obediently. Before they left, they didn't forget to stare away someone who occupied their mother.

After Pei Qian and Pei Li left, Lin Yan stared at Pei Yucheng and said, "Why are you so cruel to the two children!"

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As Lin Yan's voice fell, Pei Yucheng raised his eyebrows slightly. He seems to be the one who was killed, isn't he?

Pei Yucheng took a deep look at Lin Yan, nodded and said, "well, I'll be gentle next time... But..."

Pei Yucheng paused, then took the girl's hand, "but you are also very cruel to me."

The man's voice is low and slightly dumb. The eyes behind the lens are like gurgling and melting ice water under the warm sun in winter, which makes people tremble.

Lin Yan was suddenly in a trance, "ah... I... am I fierce?"

"What do you say!" The man's eyes narrowed slightly.

Although Lin Yan didn't think he was fierce, he couldn't resist such eyes, "cough, that... I'll pay attention next time..."

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Pei Yucheng was obviously not satisfied with the answer. His thin lips were close to the girl's fingers and bit lightly, "call me husband and forgive you."

Lin Yan: "

Lin Yan was so frightened that his hair was about to explode!

How come again!

I remember when Pei Yucheng first asked her to call her husband, once she was possessed by him during the live broadcast.

At that time, Ji Mingzhe suddenly came to the live broadcasting room to reward, which made fans gossip. Pei Yucheng was annoyed by her affair with Ji Mingzhe, and almost revealed her relationship with Pei Yucheng on the spot

At that time, Lin Yan couldn't ask for anything. Then Pei Yucheng asked her to call her husband and promised her not to say.

Although her name for Pei Yucheng has evolved from Mr. Pei to direct name, even "dear", the word "husband" is really difficult to call out for Lin Yan, a very straight man!

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It's so disgusting!

Lin Yan shook his head like a rattle: "no, no! It's too numb! Change something else!"

Pei Yucheng saw that Lin Yan was not used to it, but he didn't force it, but he was sad at the bottom of his eyes.

"Tell me, what's going on? Did you meet someone?" Pei Yucheng asked.

Lin Yan was stunned and immediately responded, "it's a long story... I'm afraid you may not believe what I said... You know, it's the female devil."

Looking at the mystery of Lin Yan's face, Pei Yucheng was thoughtful.

Pei Yucheng naturally knows the female devil in Lin Yankou. Moreover, recently, with the return of tianamnesty, Pei Yucheng also knows more information.

Lin Yan refers to the female devil head, which should be the eldest lady of Mu family, Mu Yu.

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