"Is blood relationship so important? I regard him as my brother, then he is my brother!" Lin Yan opens his mouth.

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[is the experimental body so important?]

[I said you were my sister, you were my sister!]

[you don't have to protect me, I will protect myself and you!]

The girl's tender voice echoed in her mind as if it were still yesterday

Mu Yu stiffened his back and said coldly, "go find it yourself."

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Lin Yan looked at Mu Yu's back and sighed, "anyway, I'm really sorry for her..."

Pei Yucheng stretched out his warm palm, gently touched Lin Yan's head and whispered, "it's not your fault. If I were your father, I would make the same decision as him."

How dare he tell Lin Yan that in order to protect her and let her live well, he even did more things that disgusted her

Not waiting for Lin Yan to continue to say something, he saw Pei Yucheng's look suddenly abnormal, and his blood color faded.

Lin Yan immediately panicked, "what's the matter?"

Pei Yucheng shook his head, barely stood still and said, "I'm about to break through evolution. I've been suppressed for a long time. I'm afraid I can't suppress it."

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"Evolution?" Lin Yan said strangely, "isn't this a good thing? Why suppress it?"

She wants to break through evolution. She hasn't had the chance yet.

Pei Yucheng looked at Lin Yan, pondered for a moment and said, "at my current level, continuing evolution needs to take a lot of risks, especially the body, which may not be able to carry."

As Pei Yucheng's voice fell, Lin Yan looked slightly surprised.

Pei Yucheng is right. If it is her evolutionary breakthrough, there must be no problem. After all, she is a rookie evolutionist.

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Pei Yucheng is different. His body can't carry it with continuous evolution, just like that Xiaoji. Because of evolution, his legs are wasted.

"What should I do? Will there be danger? You won't... you won't be the same as Xiaoji..." Lin Yan looked at Pei Yucheng and felt his heart clenched by a huge iron claw.

"There will be some risks." Pei Yucheng didn't hide, "but don't worry, I've made preparations. I just need to calm down. It may take some time to shut down. During this time, you take good care of yourself and two kids."

Lin Yan frowned and asked about the doubts he had been hiding in his heart for some time, "Pei Yucheng... Too many things have happened during this time... My world has almost turned upside down... All the things I knew have changed

I think my parents are not my parents. Wang Jingyang, who has been with me, is my brother who grew up together. The female devil who has been trying to kill me is the experimental body for cloning me, as well as Xiao Ji, Xiao Yao and Xiao Nuo... "

Lin Yan paused and looked up at the man in front of him, "what about you..."

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Who is Pei Yucheng?

What's your identity?

What does it have to do with her?

"Why do you want to do so many things and take such great risks for me? You should know how terrible my enemy is! Are you really just an ordinary person around me?"

Pei Yucheng lowered his eyes slightly, took Lin Yan's hand, raised it to his lips and kissed it with great treasure: "I'm just an ordinary person who loves you. If you like, I can still be your husband."

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