Mufeng finished, and the Dharma protector of the Holy Land didn't talk nonsense. He slapped it at him.

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Seeing this, Mu Feng's face changed slightly and immediately raised his sword to block.

The palm of the Dharma protector of the Holy Land fell on the sword, and the sword body was interrupted, while Mu Feng retreated more than ten steps.

"Is the Dharma protector of the holy land really strong enough?" Lin Yan's heart shook slightly.

This is just a Dharma protector, which has made them a little desperate. So many powerful evolutionists don't pay enough attention to it. If the Dharma protector was more vicious, I'm afraid these people would have died.

And there are two Dharma protectors, and there are... Holy Lord!

"Is there no way to defeat him?" Lin Yan looked nervously at Muyu.

"Yes." Muyu road.

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"What can I do?" Lin Yan hurried.

"Just find a better evolutionist than him." Bathe in the rain and speak with a cold voice.

Lin Yan: "..." she's really smart. Do you need her to say such things?

"You are so beautiful." Lin Yan smiled at Muyu with anger.

"You too." Muyu road.


"You, you, you, and you."

Mu Feng pointed to Lin Nuo and Pei Qian and Pei Li, "can't you see that I can't fight."

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"See, you can't beat us, because we can't fight either." Pei Qian was baffled.

"Then can't you come and help me? Just look at me being beaten." Mufeng road.

Several people were speechless. Just now his invincible momentum was too frightening. How dare he go? What if he drags his feet.

Soon, Linnuo and others surrounded the Dharma protector of the holy land.

"You, you, you."

Mufeng points to Xingshen, Lingyue and Baihe.

"You......" Mu Feng frowned: "it's all right."

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Xingshen: "

Ling Yue: "

White Crane: "

"What do you mean, just look down on us?" Xingshen was unconvinced: "I feel what you said..."

After feeling Mu Feng's very cold eyes, Xingshen's unconvinced face was replaced by a smile: "I feel what you said, what you said... Right!"

Evolutionists at this level, it's better not to provoke, especially Mufeng, whose brain is not very normal. It's not surprising to do anything.

"Hit him."

Mu Feng pointed to the Holy Land Dharma protector, facing Linnuo and other humanitarians.

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"It's not easy to deal with." Lin Nuo said, "the Holy Land Dharma protector's physical body has evolved to the extreme. Only the evolutionist in the spiritual field can harm him."

"Aren't you the president of the hunter guild? Doesn't the hunter guild have an evolutionist in the spiritual field?" Pei Li asked.

Linnuo smiled bitterly: "I'm just the president, not the absolute control. The system of the hunter guild is relatively perfect. The Dharma protector of the holy land does not violate our system, so I just participate in the war on behalf of individuals, not the hunter guild."

And... Although there are evolutionists in the spiritual field in their hunter guild, if they want to deal with this level of Holy Land Dharma protector, it is tantamount to looking for death and can't play any role at all.

To deal with this level of evolutionists, at least the degree of evolution in the spiritual field should reach an ultra-high level, otherwise it will be useless.

Pei Li is thoughtful. Although he has an immortal body, his power is still difficult to cause damage to the Dharma protector of the holy land. If only evolutionists in the spiritual field can have a try, Pei Yucheng

Before Pei Li thought deeply, the Dharma protector of the holy land has launched an offensive.

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