Looking at the Holy Land Dharma protector who rushed to attack, Xiao Ji smiled softly: "otherwise, the Dragon Dharma protector thought I was Baize in those years. Once I was standing, but now I am lame... I lost my legs, but what I got is... Strength!"

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At the moment, the smile on Xiaoji's face dissipated in an instant, replaced by a bone cold.

Just one glance, it seems that it can bring people into the Shura abyss, and there will be no end!

Even Xiaoze and Xiaoyao on one side felt bitter cold.

Xiaoze's aura changed dramatically, like an ancient true God, who came to the world with arrogance and arrogance. Anyone who dares to despise the true God has no place to hide!


Xiao Ji sat in his wheelchair and didn't move, but he saw that the Dharma protector of the holy land was fast enough to be invisible to the naked eye, and suddenly slowed down. There was a dull look in his eyes occasionally. Although he woke up soon, he would continue to fall into a dull state in the next second, which was repeated and vicious circle.

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"The boss of triple Xiao."

Behind Lin Yan, Mu Yu's eyes fell on Xiao Ji.

How far has this person's spiritual field evolved to break the spiritual defense of the Dharma protector of the Holy Land in a moment without warning? How can anyone in this world reach such a level?!

Muyu is also an evolutionist in the spiritual field. Although she is not a combat type, but a control type, she has also tried to break the spiritual defense of the Holy Land Dharma protector before, but it is impossible to succeed. She has a deep sense of powerlessness for the spiritual defense of the Holy Land Dharma protector.

If you want to describe it, it is like that the spiritual defense of the Dharma protector of the holy land is a huge steel wall that breaks through the sky, and she is just a child who has just reached the full moon. She has nothing else but powerlessness and despair.

The boss of this triple cloud is not only a pure evolutionist in the field of fighting spirit, but also the level of evolution has been immeasurable.


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A loud noise.

The Dharma protector of the Holy Land bowed and seemed to be suppressed by an invisible mountain. The Dharma protector of the Holy Land tried to straighten up and try to resist. His body tried hard. Because his strength was too great, a concave pit had been stepped on the ground, and the ground around him was full of cracks.

"Kneel down."

Xiao Ji sat in a wheelchair without any emotional fluctuations on his face. His voice was cold to the bone. It seemed that he didn't come from the world.


The Dharma protector of the Holy Land shouted angrily and wanted to break free from the shackles, but the next second, his look began to be extremely dull again. His knee smashed the ground and knelt on one knee.

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"Mind control?"

Muyu looked at Xiaoji and a deep shock appeared in her eyes.

She was wrong. The boss of the triple cloud is not only a pure fighter spirit field evolutionist, but also a spirit control evolutionist!

Double evolution in the spiritual field!!

"Come on, kill the bad old man!"

Pei Qian shouted loudly and rushed to the dull Dharma protector.

"Fool, come back!"

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Pei Li wanted to catch peiqian, but he ran too fast.

As a result, as soon as he approached the Holy Land Dharma protector, Pei Qian's eyes began to stagnate. He knelt on the ground with a "plop" on his knees. The whole person seemed to have lost his soul and his whole body was covered with sweat.

"Not good..." Linnuo was startled.


Seeing Pei Qian's appearance, Pei Li frowned deeply.

Can't he see that Xiaoji is an evolutionist in the spiritual field at what level. As long as he looks at him at close range, he will fall into his undifferentiated attack!

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