When they got to the room, Muyu and Lin Yan were in the same room with mucongshuang. After a while, peiqian and Peili also ran in.

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For these seemingly incredible things, Lin Yan wants to ask the truth.

Originally wanted to ask about the high-tech changes in the form of the prison, but Muyu's face changed.

"What's the matter?"

Seeing that there was something wrong with Muyu's expression, Muning frost sat beside Muyu and asked softly.

"My perfect experiment is on the move." Mu Yu looked dignified.

"What do you mean?" Lin Yan is inexplicable.

"On the face of it, this place is the prison used by the hunter guild to hold criminals, but in fact, this is the base camp of my laboratory... There are many mindless clone evolutors I created here. Once powerful evolutors invade, these mindless evolutors will act." Muyu explained.

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"I see. It means that you also control Shang Yuan's experimental technology." Murmur the frost softly.

Muyu: "I mean, it was invaded, and the Holy Lord of the holy land came in person..."

Lin Yan: "..." the Lord's father came too soon. Can you spare her a dog's life?

Mu ningshuang's face was dignified. She thought this place was very hidden. Even the Holy Lord could not be found so soon. She really underestimated the Holy Lord.

"It doesn't matter."

At this time, Peili stood up and looked at Lin Yan: "I'll meet the Holy Lord of the holy land."

Lin Yan picked peiqian up.

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In Lin Yan's arms, Pei Li was at a loss for a moment. Then he was a little shy and his face was slightly red.

"It's too dangerous to go out."

Lin Yan looked at Pei Li and whispered.

No matter how powerful an evolutionist the child is, even if he is really immortal, he is still just a child in her eyes.

Besides, if it's true, it's to send heads.

"Although you can't fight to death, you can't be the opponent of the Lord. Besides, there is a Dharma protector who has evolved to the peak in the spiritual field. What do you do when you meet that Dharma protector?" Pei Qiandao.

Even if it doesn't kill, it's just asking for trouble.

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"What's the situation now?"

Mu ningshuang asked Mu Yu.

After Muyu was silent for a moment, he said, "the situation is not very good. About twenty mindless evolutors I created should have been completely destroyed."

"What is mindless evolutionist?" Lin Yan asked.

"Mindless evolutionists can be understood as fighting tools with strong evolutionist power. They have no thoughts and emotions and are only controlled by me." Muyu road.

Lin Yan thought: "just like... Si Bai?"

Mu Yu shook his head: "it's totally different. One is a normal human, which has been greatly enhanced and evolved through experimental means, while the mindless evolutionist is a simple combat tool. Strictly speaking, it's not human, you can understand it as..."

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"Robot?" Lin Yandao.

"Well, it's no problem for you to understand this, but now should not be the time to say this. Aren't you afraid at all?" Mu Yu asked.

Lin Yan shook his head and said, "what's the use of fear? Are you afraid?"

"I'm scared to death..." Muyu said.

Lin Yan: "

"However, this is my home, even if the Lord of the holy land comes in person..."

Before Muyu finished speaking, Lin Yan suddenly said excitedly, "you also have a way to defeat him?"

Hearing the sound, Muyu said, "I also have a way for them not to find us so soon."

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