After hearing Yunxuan's words, Xiaoji thought.

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There is only one clone, which is not reasonable.

This should not be a problem of experimental technology. Otherwise, if the Lord has the ability to clone one clone, he can clone more.

If what Yunxuan said is true, there may be a bigger problem, and this may be the key to defeating the Lord.

Maybe he can get some useful information when fighting clones.

Xiao Ji had thought about countless possibilities of fighting with the Holy Land and the ways to deal with the holy land, but he never knew how to defeat the Lord of the holy land.

He did not expect that this day would come so fast that he was a little caught off guard.

Xiaoji knows that he is the best candidate to defeat the Lord of the holy land, but the key point is Muyan.

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His body has been overwhelmed. If he breaks through forcibly, he is afraid that his body will turn into dust in an instant. If Muyan can help him with her unique ability, the Lord of the holy land may not be invincible.

Unfortunately, he took everything for granted and ignored some of the most important variables.

Muyan didn't recover his memory or his ability. His ideas and plans completely came to naught.

"Pei Yucheng, you choose to break through at this time point... Can you bear the risks brought by evolution..." Xiao Jiruo thought.

Even if Pei Yucheng's breakthrough is successful, can he fight the Lord again.

But anyway, the clone of the Lord must be disposed of.

In the face of a holy Lord, you may be able to barely see a trace of hope. If you add the clone of the Holy Lord, it will be boundless darkness.

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After a long time, Xiao Ji opened his eyes.

His spiritual ability has been perceived, and the powerful and terrible breath of evolution is approaching rapidly.

"Clone..." Xiao Ji murmured.

He has no chance of winning in the conventional battle.

But even so, he could not retreat. Once he made way of this road, it was a complete dead end.

Not only can not let, the Lord's clone must be destroyed here by him, otherwise, it will also die.

"I think... I'm as conscious as you..." Xiao Ji smiled softly, and his eyes changed color in an instant.

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Above the void, a huge eye appeared, enveloping everything in it, like the curved moon at night, very strange.

Far away.

Wang Jingyang and the Holy Lord raised their heads at the same time, looked up at the void and looked at the heavenly eyes.

"Xiao Ji..."

Wang Jingyang stared at the heavenly eyes, with a trace of bitterness in the corners of his mouth, "you..."



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Under the gaze of MI Tian's eyes, the cloning face of the Lord changed greatly.

His body seemed to be pressed by mountains, so heavy that he couldn't continue to move.

"Evolution in the spiritual field..." the clone stared at Mi Tian's eyes and looked a little changed.

"In this world, are there any more terrible spiritual evolutors than Yunxuan? It seems that I have miscalculated." The clone said to itself.

The next second, the clone put its palms on the ground, as if sensing the position of the Xiaoji.

"Good... Perfect defense. Can't you feel the position." The clone is thoughtful.

"Perfect mental attack and mental control, as well as perfect shielding and defense... Is the purpose to hold me down?"

While the clone was thinking, his body was heavy again, and the ground under his feet began to break.

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