Under the yellow sand all over the sky, MI Tian's eyes are very strange.

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Like the eyes of a true God, overlooking the whole world.

Looking at the increasingly intense mental fluctuations on the clone, Xiao Ji frowned deeply, leaving him little time.

The spiritual field of this clone is also very terrible. He has realized that he is trapped in the illusion of spiritual power construction. Before long, he will wake up.

Unfortunately, he has no way and can't kill the clone at the moment.

Xiaoji's spiritual power kept sensing something in the clone.

After a long time, Xiao Ji's face showed a look of surprise. He finally... Understood.

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The key to defeating the Lord.

At the moment, he can leave, but he can't.

He has the truth... He must make the most difficult choice in his life, and this choice must be made before the clone wakes up.


For a long time, Xiaoji didn't take any action. Until the last minute, Xiaoji didn't leave.

"Yes, I really underestimate you. From beginning to end, I fell into your spiritual fantasy." The clone stared at Xiao Ji indifferently.

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The next second, the palm of the clone instantly penetrated Xiaoji's chest.

Xiao Ji didn't dodge until his chest was pierced and a blood gushed from his mouth.

However, Xiaoji didn't seem to feel any pain. He grabbed the palm of the clone and hung a strange smile on his face, "Clone... No, I should call you the Lord."

As Xiao Ji's voice fell, the clone frowned: "how did you find it?"

"I've always been surprised that the lord controls cloning technology, but he can only clone you... So it is." Xiao Ji smiled.

Hearing the sound, the face of the clone changed.

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"If it's just a simple unconscious clone with weak spiritual power, it's impossible for me to drag you into mental illusion with so much trouble." Xiaoji road.

"What does that mean?" Asked the clone.

"You simply can't use experimental technology to create clones in a real sense, because your cells have serious defects, and you won't create conscious clones like Muyu. You even kill your disciples, and you won't trust anyone. How can you create independent conscious clones with all your power.

So... You inject nearly half of your own spiritual power into this unconscious clone, so that you can perfectly control this clone. "

The clone nodded in agreement.

Indeed, his gene cells have some unknown defects, which can not produce a perfect clone, nor can they produce a clone with independent consciousness and his power. Therefore, after creating this unconscious clone, seal his spirit in this clone, so that the clone will have absolute power and be completely controlled by himself.

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"So what if you find out, or do you think I can't kill you?" Asked the clone.

"I will die, and... Soon, but so will you." Xiao Ji's face showed a crazy smile.

"Play tricks."


The left palm of the clone instantly penetrated Xiaoji's heart.

The blood dyed Xiao Ji's clothes bright red.

However, Xiaoji still clung to the clone and didn't want to give up.

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