A moment later, Wang Jingyang grabbed the Lord.

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Wang Jingyang raised his head hard and looked at the Lord who couldn't move fiercely.

"You... Are the... Existence... That affects the balance... Completely... Give me... Eliminate... Disappear..."

Wang Jingyang said that the Holy Lord's whole body had been soaked with cold sweat. His strength was far inferior to that in his peak period, and he could not resist the triple seal untied by Wang Jingyang.

However, before the Lord could speak, Wang Jingyang suddenly loosened his hand and fell to the ground.

With the moment Wang Jingyang fell to the ground, all the pressure dissipated at the same time.

The Lord stared at the man lying on the ground and said coldly, "it's a pity. If you can hold on for a moment, maybe... The ending will be rewritten, but... I admit you. Your faith is also worthy of my respect."

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At the moment, Wang Jingyang's body, with the speed visible to the naked eye, turned into dust and drifted with the wind.

When Wang Jingyang's body completely disappeared, an almost substantive mental force emerged, and the surrounding space began to distort wildly, surrounding the space around Wang Jingyang.

"Pei Yucheng."

The Lord's eyes fell on the man.

Pei Yucheng ignored the Lord and turned his eyes quickly, completely leaving Wang Jingyang's spiritual body.

Immediately, Pei Yucheng looked up and looked at the eyes of the sky that were about to dissipate above the void.

Pei Yucheng's eyes turned blue. With strong spiritual power, he pulled away the only trace of Xiaoji's spiritual body from his eyes and blocked it with Wang Jingyang's spiritual body.

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After all this, Pei Yucheng looked at the Lord.

"Master, I haven't seen you for many years. I didn't expect you to look like this." Pei Yucheng spoke out indifferently.

"Pei Yucheng, you deserve to be my most proud disciple. You are not only my disciple, but also the seventh generation of amnesty... It seems that my teaching has always had great problems." The Lord's way.

"But what can you change?" The Holy Lord stared at Pei Yucheng: "look at your state. You haven't evolved completely. You rush here after only half of evolution. In this state, if you continue to use the power of evolution, Muyang will be your end."

Hearing the sound, Pei Yucheng didn't refute. The Lord really saw through him.

He didn't evolve completely. At this time, time doesn't allow him to evolve completely.

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After the LORD said that, like the power of the gods, he pressed Peiyu Town, and the whole person had come to Peiyu city.


Pei Yucheng's eyes turned from blue to black and turned slowly.

Soon, the vision of the LORD was dull and stood in place like a sculpture.

Soon, Pei Yucheng frowned deeply, and his body had an obvious uncomfortable reaction. Because he had only evolved half, he could not continue to use the evolutionary power in the spiritual field.

"Pei Yucheng!"

Suddenly, the sound of Lin Yan came from the rear.

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I saw that Lin Yan and others were hurrying here.

Before long, they came to Pei Yucheng.

"It's all right." Pei Yucheng looked at the anxious Lin Yan.

"What, am I okay? Are you okay? Aren't you breaking through evolution? Why did you come here? You broke through in such a short time?" Lin Yan's eyes looked at Pei Yucheng.

"He's evolved a fart. His state is obviously only half evolved!" Mufeng looked at Pei Yucheng and hit the nail on the head.

"Boy, do you want to die? Dare to use the power of evolution. Wait a minute, I'm afraid your body can't bear it and will be torn apart!" Mu Feng reminded.

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