Looking at Lin Yan's behavior, Pei Li stared at the white crane coldly, while Pei Qian puffed his cheeks and looked unconvinced.

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"How old are they? They are still children. Bah, where are the wild boys? They are shameless!" Pei Qian whispered to Peili.

Hearing the sound, Pei Li didn't speak, just nodded.

At this moment, the story of Shang Yuan begins.

"The story is a little long, so I'll simplify it..."

Shang Yuan said: "many years ago, the wife of the LORD was dissatisfied with the current situation because she broke through the peak of evolution. She was dissatisfied with the fact that the Lord obviously had the evolutionary power close to God, but she stayed in the holy land. She wanted to rule the whole world, but the LORD was very disappointed and stopped her... Only I know the end."

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Mentioning this, the Holy Lord's head was in a sharp pain. He seemed to have lost something

"The Lord personally killed the wife who tried to rule the world, and the wife also controlled the extreme power due to the peak of evolution. She penetrated the Lord's heart with her hand. When the LORD was dying, she found my sworn brother and hoped to use my experimental technology to save his life. I promised, but I was very tangled at the same time."

"Without the Holy Land and the Holy Lord pressing in front, our Shang family will be able to reach the peak. Everyone has selfishness. Of course, I also have

But the Holy Lord is my brother after all, and I can't just see him disappear completely. Therefore, I cloned a baby with the Holy Lord's gene cells, which he called clone 1, and injected the Holy Lord's undivided spiritual body into the baby's body by experimental means... But at the same time, I did some tricks and deleted all the memory of the Holy Lord... "

"Later, I used cloning technology again to clone clone 2, which has all the power of the Lord and has the consciousness and memory of the Lord. I originally intended to directly control clone 2, but I underestimated the gene cells of the Lord. His willpower is too strong to control

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In desperation, I can only destroy him. Unfortunately... I underestimated the evolutionary power of the Lord. Clone 2, which has all the power of the Lord, is no longer what I can destroy

Finally, I secretly sent the clone 2 back to the Holy Land and deleted the memory that he was killed by his wife and asked me for help... "

After hearing what Shang Yuan said, everyone was a little dull.

Lin Yan looked at the white crane with shock, "so, you mean, the white crane is the clone No. 1, cloned from the God's gene cells and implanted into the spirit of the real God... You just deleted all his memories..."

"Daughter, there's nothing wrong with what you said." Shangyuan road.

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"So... Clone 2 is the Lord now... He just has all the power and memory of the Lord, but in fact, he is not the Lord at all!" Mu ningshuang looked strange.

"Well, you're right, daughter-in-law." Shangyuan road.

"Who is your daughter-in-law? Please respect yourself!" The cold sound channel of Mu congshuang.

Shang Yuan: "

"It's incredible."

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Pei Yucheng's voice sounded in Lin Yan's mind.

"You say, is what my father said true or false?"

"It may not be false, because with your father's experimental technology, he can really do this."

Lin Yan: "

"Are you crazy to make up such a story?" The Lord frowned at Shang Yuan.

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