"Don't struggle. I'll end this farce myself."

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After the clone said that, a shocking force in the spiritual field emerged and suppressed the white crane in place.

Shang Yuan stared at the clone and frowned deeply.

I wanted to rely on the real Lord to restore memory, and the evolutionary power could wake up quickly and join hands with them to kill the clone, but I didn't expect that the power of the clone was too strong.

"Father... Whether to prepare for the worst." Shang Yu looks at Shang Yuan.

"If you have to, you can only do so." Shang Yuan said coldly.

The worst plan is to completely restore the power of the white crane. Once the power of the white crane is fully awakened, the clone can be solved.

"My father made the real Lord's body grow slowly in order to limit his power... If he could fully awaken his power..." Shang Yu frowned.

"I won't do that unless I have to." Shangyuan road.


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"Right now."

Pei Yucheng faces Lin flue.

"Old devil!"

Lin Yan drank softly.

In the next second, countless spiritual thoughts were almost turned into essence, and the clone was shrouded in an instant.

The surrounding space is twisted and torn, as if black holes were formed.

"Spatial motivation?!"

Seeing this, the look of the clone changed slightly.

If it had been in the past, he couldn't have had this kind of spatial thinking power, but his spiritual body was sealed in half, and now the spiritual power is used to suppress the white crane.

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He needs some time to dispel this spatial motivation.

"It's over."

Pei Yucheng's spirit left Lin Yan's body and returned to himself.

While talking, Pei Yucheng's eyes turned golden and turned quickly.

With Pei Yucheng's golden eyes turning, the clone was distracted.

At this moment, the clone was completely sucked into the distorted space.

"I can't kill you, but that's enough." Pei Yucheng gasped and murmured.

It is impractical to kill this clone. Unless it can continue to evolve, this is the limit.

Fortunately, Lin Yan's body can bear the taboo power in his spiritual field.

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Shang Yuan walked to Pei Yucheng and looked at Pei Yucheng with great appreciation: "the seventh generation of amnesty, son-in-law, did a good job."

Before Pei Yucheng could speak, Lin Yan hurried over and looked at Pei Yucheng: "how did you go back? Can you bear it?"

Hearing the sound, Pei Yucheng said, "it doesn't matter. What you can't bear has been dissolved by you."

Knowing Pei Yucheng was all right, Lin Yan was relieved.

"What about the clone?" Lin Yan asked.

"It's sealed in my space. My ability can't kill him yet, but it's enough. He won't escape." Pei Yucheng road.

"That's good." Lin Yan finally breathed a sigh of relief.

That clone is terrible.

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"Ah Cheng, you really deserve to be my son-in-law... Thanks to you today."

Mu ningshuang smiled at Pei Yucheng.

"Brother in law, well done." Mufeng patted Pei Yucheng on the shoulder.

Pei Yucheng: "just luck."


"Shang Yuan!"

Mu ningshuang came over and stared at Shang Yuan coldly: "from now on, we have nothing to do. I hope you don't harass me again. Your son belongs to you and your daughter belongs to me."

Mu Feng: "

Mom, would you really say that in front of me?

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