"In the past, my way of dealing with the ideal may be biased, but after the cloning, I have some feelings. What I have to do is to guard the balance, do my best to resolve the disaster, only believe in myself and don't trust anyone, which may be the biggest threat to the balance."

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"Did you promise?" Lin Yan asked.

Bai He nodded: "in the future, not only will I not hurt you, but also I hope you and Pei Yucheng can rejoin the Holy Land and maintain the balance. I alone... I really can't do it. The world of evolutionists and ordinary people is not one person, right, elder martial sister."

Lin Yan: "

It's really uncomfortable to hear the white crane calling his elder martial sister to restore the memory of the Lord.

"I hope you can remember your promise. If one day you become a second Clone... I will still stop you." Pei Yucheng said expressionless.

"Is that ok?" Lin Yan looks at Shang Yuan.

At the moment, Shang Yuan was helpless. He looked at Lin Yan and mu ningshuang.

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"What two stumbling blocks." After a long time, Shang Yuan muttered.

"Who do you say is the tigress, is it me?" Mu ningshuang stared at Shang Yuan coldly.

"I dare not..." said Shang Yuan.

"Dad, just listen to my mother. Besides, my younger sister and brother-in-law can deal with their worries. Alas, it's a pity that Muyang and Xiaoji... If you could come earlier... They don't have to die..."

Mu Feng's face suddenly changed and subconsciously looked at Lin Yan.

He forgot that it... Can't be said.

At the moment when the voice fell, Pei Yucheng, Shang Yuan, mu ningshuang and Bai he stared at Mu Feng at the same time.

At the moment, the smile on Lin Yan's face completely froze.

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Pei Yucheng glanced at Mu Feng and frowned deeply.

"You said... Gouzi and Xiaoji..." Lin Yan's body trembled slightly.

"No, they..."

Before Mu Feng explained, he heard the white crane scream.

"Elder martial sister!"

The next second, the white crane held the confused Lin Yan.

Pei Yucheng took Lin Yan from the white crane. Lin Yan had completely lost consciousness.

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Originally, Lin Yan's spirit and body had already withstood the limit, but he was forced to support it. At the moment, he was suddenly stimulated so much that he naturally couldn't bear it



half a month later.

Lin Yan was in a coma for half a month before he finally woke up.

During the coma, she had been dreaming. The dream was intermittent, long and long, like a never-ending channel. Until the moment she woke up, the lost memory seemed to return to her body.

Painful, laughing, desperate

However, these memories have faded from the violent shocks that made her mind in the past, like the calm sea level after the tsunami.

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Her special physical ability makes herself automatically forget those unacceptable memories.

Lin Yan doesn't know why she suddenly recovers her memory, probably because after experiencing so many things, she is not so fragile. Compared with escape, she chooses to accept and face it.

However, at the thought of Xiaoji and Wang Jingyang's death, her heart still hurts like a knife

During this time, too many things have happened, and the memory in his mind is also noisy. Lin Yan sits on the hospital bed and looks out of the window. It seems that he hasn't fully awakened from that nightmare.

She did not notice that a sound of footsteps came from far and near the door of the ward until the ward was pushed away by one hand.

The man stood at the door and looked at Lin Yan sitting on the bed in surprise. Then he came back and jumped over excitedly, "Lin Yan, your uncle, you finally woke up! You can sleep too much!"

Lin Yan had some dull pupils. At the moment of seeing the man, he suddenly contracted, and his face was unbelievable, "you... Dog?"

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