Lin Yan hurriedly changed the topic, "how's the team recently?"

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"Goddess, don't worry. Everything in the team is fine, but it's you. Are you okay? How can you be so badly injured? What's the matter?" Mo Shuyun was worried.

"Hey, it's an accident..." Lin Yan didn't say much.

He Lefeng said anxiously, "the peak race will start in a week. Fortunately, sister Yan, you wake up, or you will miss the race. Hey, wait! Sister Yan, it's not the thunder and the speed of light that hurt you secretly!"

Mo Shuyun frowned and reminded he Lefeng, "don't talk nonsense."

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He Lefeng thought more and more and thought it was possible, "where am I talking nonsense? Sister Yan is an old driver. How can she get injured at such an important time? If sister Yan can't participate in the competition, who will benefit the most?"

Mo Shuyun stopped he Lefeng from talking, "well, there's no evidence."

He Lefeng's little temper came up and couldn't help it. "Does this need evidence? Ling Yang and Tang Sheng, two dogs, threw dirty water on sister Yan because they were inferior to others. They actually claimed that they were forced to play a fake game in the world's first league and deliberately lost to sister Yan. They also said that sister Yan pretended to be injured to avoid public opinion because she was guilty of being a thief! I'm so angry!"

He Lefeng poured everything out in one breath.

"Ling Yang and Tang Sheng broke the news that they deliberately lost to me?" Lin yantiao eyebrows.

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Mo Shuyun helplessly glared at he Lefeng, "just you talk a lot... Goddess, don't listen to he Lefeng. It's not so serious. The Chinese Racing Association issued a statement and suppressed public opinion. Just rest assured and get well. Don't worry about these things."

Lin Yan knows that things are certainly not as easy as Mo Shuyun said.

Ling Yang is the captain of Leiyin team and Tang Sheng is the captain of the speed of light team. Based on the status of Ling Yang and Tang Sheng in the racing circle, they broke the news in person. Most fans must believe it.

The aurora team is indeed an airborne team. There are too many things that can be maliciously guessed by people with intentions.

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What's more, it happened that she was injured and unconscious at this time. It really means a little guilty

"Sister Yan, I'm sorry. I don't want you to worry. I'm really angry!" He Lefeng spoke weakly.

Lin Yan's face hasn't changed much. It's just a small thing. In front of his husband's divorce and running away from home, it's really nothing.

Lin Yan comforted, "don't worry, I have no problem with my body. A week is enough for me to recover and compete on time."

Mo Shuyun couldn't be at ease when he heard the speech. The current public opinion is too bad for Lin Yan and the aurora team.

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Tang Sheng may have missed the chance to enter the peak competition, so he broke the jar and broke the news directly in his real name. He was interviewed by many reporters and made a lot of noise.

Although Ling Yang didn't stand up directly, he chose silence in the face of reporters' interview. That attitude is almost equivalent to acquiescence.

For a while, the whole racing circle was crusading against Lin Yan. Now the Chinese Racing Association is under great pressure to protect Lin Yan.

Mo Shuyun's biggest worry now is that the Chinese Racing Association will ban Lin Yan if it can't carry it at that time.

Lin Yan just woke up, and we didn't dare to disturb her for too long. After chatting for a while, we left to let Lin Yan rest.

Shortly after they left, Qi Huichang called in.

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