Pei Yucheng massaged Lin Yan's sore legs and found that Lin Yan's body was sweating. If he didn't change his clothes in time, he would be uncomfortable.

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Pei Yucheng also ignored several people muttering at the door, walked directly over and locked the door in front of them.

Wang Jingyang was going to question. As a result, with a bang, the bedroom door was locked by Lin Yan.

Wang Jingyang immediately rushed over and knocked at the door: "shit! Open the door! Pervert, what are you doing!"

Is it really Pei Yucheng?

No wonder he felt so familiar at that moment. If he remembered correctly, this should not be the first time he ran into Pei Yucheng. His consciousness was attached to Lin Yan.

"Pei Yucheng? Is it you? Open the door! If you don't open the door again, I'll hit the door!"

Just when Wang Jingyang and some of them were worried about Lin Yan's accident and were ready to hit the door, Lin Yan's voice came from the house: "change your clothes."

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Wang Jingyang: "

There was a sudden silence outside the house. All four men stopped and didn't dare to hit.

Pei Yucheng took out a set of pajamas from the wardrobe and then began to unbutton Lin Yan's clothes.

When the second one was solved, the finger paused for a while. The indifferent look seemed to be a little unnatural. It took a second to untie the remaining buttons.

After changing his clothes, Pei Yucheng opened the door.

"Hey, you..." Wang Jingyang was about to question, but Lin Yan's body suddenly fell down soft.

"Master!" Yunxuan exclaimed.

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Xiao Yao held the man, "Lin Yan!"

Lin Yan slowly opened his eyes and recovered his consciousness.

The white crane's head came from behind, "elder martial sister, are you okay?"

Lin Yan rubbed his eyebrows vaguely, "white crane? What's the matter with me?"

"Are you... Lin Yan?" Wang Jingyang tried to open his mouth.

Lin Yan: "dog? Why are you here..."

Hearing Lin Yan's familiar address, Wang Jingyang determined that Lin Yan had regained consciousness. He didn't know how to explain: "you have a fever and faint."

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Lin Yan didn't think much. He sat on the bed with the help of Wang Jingyang.

Soon, Lin Yan found something wrong, "wait, who changed my clothes?"

She had no time to change just now. She was not in pajamas.

Lin Yan's eyes passed over Wang Jingyang, Yun Xuan, Xiao Yao and Bai He in turn.

The four showed eyes that had nothing to do with me at the same time.

Wang Jingyang immediately said, "don't look at me. I didn't change it."

Yunxuan coughed softly: "master, it's not me either."

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Xiao Yao: "it has nothing to do with me."

The white crane smiled and said, "elder martial sister, you changed it yourself!"

Lin Yan looked confused and pointed to his face. "I changed it myself. Why can't I remember at all?"

Just now, I wasn't sure whether the consciousness was Pei Yucheng. The four didn't know how to explain to Lin Yan.

Lin Yanlu thought. He didn't know what he thought. He opened his mouth in a determined tone and said, "I certainly didn't change my clothes myself."

"I'm used to not fastening this dress to the top." The neckline was too tight. Lin Yan felt a little uncomfortable. He said and untied the first button of the neckline.

Lin Yan's eyes narrowed slightly, staring at the neatly stacked clothes at the head of the bed, grinding his teeth and opening his mouth: "bastard... You have to divorce me and return me... Dare to change my clothes..."

The most outrageous thing is to run so fast!

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