At the time of the biggest uproar, Chinese fans even petitioned jointly to abolish Lin Yan's qualification and let Tang Sheng replace him.

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Finally, the Chinese Racing Association announced the survey results and returned Lin Yan's innocence, just putting things down.

However, the rumors did not stop because of the clarification of the Chinese racing trade union, but intensified.

Everyone is angry at Lin Yan's crackdown on fake matches, and is angry and sorry for the unfair treatment of Tang Sheng and Ling Yang.

Ling Yang is very popular, no less than the most beautiful time of that year.

Reporter: "team Ling! How do you feel about breaking into the peak competition for the first time this year?"

Reporter: "team Ling, are you sure about this race? Chinese racing drivers have never won the ranking in the peak race. Car fans have great expectations for you. How are you feeling?"

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The reporters trotted after Ling Yang for an interview.

At this time, a harsh voice sounded in the crowd: "team Ling, what do you think of the anti-counterfeiting race of Lin Yan of the Chinese Aurora team? Are you and Tang Sheng of the speed of light team really threatened and deliberately lost to Lin Yan?"

Ling Yang was surrounded by reporters and was forced to stop. When he heard the speech, he frowned. He looked a little angry, but he pressed it down. Finally, he only replied to the reporter: "I can only say that it's true, it's false, it's true."

"Ling team, do you mean that when Lin Yan reaches the peak, he will be exposed and show his true face?"

"Ling team, why don't you answer our questions positively? Are you under threat and pressure?"

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Another channel leading to the audience, the reporters found Tang Sheng whose real name broke the news, so Hula swarmed away and surrounded Tang Sheng again.

"Team Tang, is it true that you broke the news before?"

"Team Tang, are you and team Ling really forced to deliberately lose to Lin Yan?"

Tang Sheng's face was cloudy, the bottom of his eyes was turbid, and he had a strong smell of wine. Obviously, he missed the qualification of the peak competition, which caused a great blow to him.

"Otherwise? You think I'll lose to a woman?"

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Compared with Ling Yang, Tang Sheng has some scruples. Tang Sheng is completely broken, and her speech is very ugly. "Oh, she has the ability to sleep in the world's first league. I want to see how she can pack in the peak game!"

Live interviews are broadcast live in real time and directly on the big screen.

Tang Sheng's words caused an uproar at the scene, and the bottom of the fans' eyes were also a color of contempt.

Lin Yan has been chased and intercepted by the media these days. In order to avoid trouble, she wore a mask and sunglasses and entered the site with a low profile under the escort of Mo Shuyun and he Lefeng.

As soon as he came in, Lin Yan looked up and saw Tang Sheng's words on the big screen.

Lin Yan was sarcastic. It was clear that the two teams had jointly suppressed the aurora and called Mo Shuyun over. They threatened and lured her to fight fake matches. Later, they found that her backstage was harder. They were too scared to win, but they wanted to slander her as a victim.

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The on-site media penetrated everywhere and found Lin Yan the first time she appeared.

Reporter: "Miss Lin! What do you want to say about Tang Sheng's real name report and the questions of fans?"

Reporter: "Miss Lin Yan, have you really cracked down on fake matches? Did the previous third, second and first leagues in the world come by improper means?"


"Excuse me, please let me go!" Mo Shuyun protects Lin Yan and wants to go.

The reporter was aggressive: "why didn't you dare to answer? Was Tang Sheng right because of a guilty heart?"

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