"Be a father? Be your uncle! Get out of here!"

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"Why not?"

"If I say no, I can't! Go and have your spring and autumn dream! Get out!"


Charles, who was kicked away by sun Shuo, didn't give up. He wandered to the aurora team again.

"Hi ~ Miss Lin, meet again!" Charles greeted warmly.

See Charles Carl, Lin Yan has a headache. Didn't he refuse him last time?

Lin Yan: "Hello, Mr. Carl."

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Charles had a wounded expression: "Oh, dear Miss Lin Yan, in your Chinese language, once born and twice cooked. Miss Lin, this is the fourth time we have met. It can be regarded as familiar, so you can call me charles!"

Lin Yan pinched his eyebrows. "Well, Charles, the game is coming. What's the matter with you looking for me?"

Charles looked serious and said, "Miss Lin Yan, I really want to associate with you!"

Lin Yan sighed, "I think I told you before that I was married and had two children."

Charles said immediately, "I've thought it over. I don't care if you have two sons or an ex husband. I really want to associate with you!"

Lin Yan: "

Mo Shuyun, listening to Charles' words, looked incredible. It's almost a game. You don't prepare for the game in your own competition area and come to pick up girls?

What is this wonderful flower?

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Lin Yan smoked slightly at the corner of his mouth: "I think you are mistaken. I don't have an ex husband. He is still my husband..."

Although the daughter-in-law is getting divorced, she hasn't left yet, okay!

Charles seemed a little lost, but he was full of vitality in less than a second. "Ah, is he still your husband? That's a pity! Then, Miss Lin Yan, take the liberty to ask, when will you divorce?"

Lin Yan: "...??"

You are really, very presumptuous

"Shit! Smelly boy! I asked you to get out. You dare to get out here!" Sun Shuo Ran's angry voice came from a distance.

The two men who followed were king. King was followed by Alan, the captain of the Falcon team White.

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Alan kicked Charles aside directly, and then bowed to Lin Yan with a look of regret, "Miss Lin, I'm very sorry. I'm sorry to let this guy disturb you!"

Lin Yan looked embarrassed, "cough, it's all right..."

"Oh, Captain! Why do you always stop me from looking for happiness!" Charles was wailing.

"Your bonus for this quarter is gone." Alan then grabbed Charles and left.

After the two left, sun Shuo ran immediately nervously approached Lin Yan, "master, are you all right? This dog wants to be my Shigong! He's dreaming!"

"Shifu... Shifu!?" Sun Shuo ran called for a long time and found that Lin Yan ignored him, but stared directly at a direction of the audience.

"Master, what's the matter?" King also asked.

Lin Yan's eyes narrowed slightly, his eyes patrolled around the audience, and finally fixed at a position in the oblique back of Pei Nanxu, muttering, "nothing..."

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I just feel that when Charles confessed to her, his back was cold at that moment, so familiar

However, when she found out that she wanted to find the source, the feeling suddenly disappeared. She only saw Pei Nanxu and Pei Yutang cheering herself with Gan Gan and Xiaoli.

In the row behind them sat Qi Shaoyuan and Wei Xufeng. There was a man in black sitting across several positions in the oblique rear. Because he was wearing a hat, his body was in the shadow, and the distance was too far to see his appearance clearly.

"Master, are you really all right? How do you look like you're absent-minded?" Sun Shuo ran asked anxiously.

Lin Yan's eyes were still fixed in one direction of the audience, and youyou said, "it's all right. Today is your Shigong's birthday. I'm just thinking that when the game is over, it's better to give him a big gift..."

Sun shuoran was relieved to hear this. It seems that Shifu is still very interested in Shigong!

Anyway, don't break up. Charles, that smelly boy doesn't have a chance!

It's really careless to make friends. I treat you as a brother, but you want to be my Shigong!

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