Nick, who was exposed to his face Thomas looked gloomy, hissed and said, "sun shuoran, don't you think WZ was still a dream team that attracted all racing drivers when Yeva was there?

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Haven't your master taught you that there is a saying in China that good birds choose trees to live in. My goal has always been to enter the crown army. I'm afraid WZ is not qualified! "

If he hadn't wanted to join the crown army, how could he have been humble in front of a woman.

Now he has the opportunity to enter GD. He naturally wants such a good opportunity.

Sun Shuo ran scoffed, "you think the champion must be GD. I tell you, don't dream! You wait for regret!"

"Oh, the champion is not Gd, can it still be WZ? Who can win the champion, is it you? Sun shuoran, who is dreaming?" Nick hissed.

"Anyway! It can't be you GD!" Sun Shuo ran said word by word.

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As soon as the voice fell, Donald, Matt and Jeffrey came one after another.

Matt sniffed as if he had heard a joke. "Hahaha, sun shuoran, you are really a fool as always! If it's not Gd, can it be your master who doesn't dare to show his face? Our great track God Yeva? She's so powerful, why don't you let her run?"

Sun shuolan still had to argue with those people. He was stopped by langmang's eyes. "Don't talk nonsense, get ready for the game."

Jeffrey also acted as a peacemaker and called Matt and Nick back. "All right, all right, let's go. The game is about to begin."

When passing sun shuoran, Jeffrey patted him on the shoulder and whispered, "let brother Lang be careful."

He has a good personal relationship with sun shuoran on weekdays, but after all, he is a member of GD. It's really inconvenient to say that there are many.

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With five engine lights off, the car in the departure area roared out of the track.

The spectators in the stands are not willing to blink. After all, it is the top visual feast in the racing industry.

Twelve racing cars entered the white hot stage at the beginning.

Wave Python shuttled like a snake, overtaking continuously, and soon surpassed the first three people from the eighth parking space to the fourth.

"Wow! Did you see it just now? The wave Python just used Yeva's famous technique, Albert quickly entered the corner!"

"I thought no one could use it except Yeva!"

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"Ah! In my lifetime! I'm worthy of being the eldest disciple of Yeva! I'm so excited! It seems that I've returned to the time when the boss dominated the stadium. Unfortunately, I can't see it anymore!"


Langmang's performance this time is really eye-catching. He has made great progress in a short time.

Even Nick was surprised.

Before he changed jobs to Gd, langpython couldn't do this at all. How did he learn it in such a short time?

Because there is no such information in the information provided by Nick before, Gd is indeed in a mess.

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However, they soon adjusted their tactics.

Just when langmang was ready to sprint, Matt, who was in second place, deliberately slowed down, stopped in front of langmang and blocked langmang's overtaking route.

Nick bit on the back side of the wave Python and harassed him from time to time.

Under the interference of the two, Jeffrey overtakes in an instant and stops in front of the wave python with Matt.

The three men formed a tight triangle and trapped the wave Python inside.

Wave Python's style is famous for waves, and now he is like a Jiaolong trapped with wings, unable to give full play to his advantages.

This sense of powerlessness made him extremely irritable.

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