Wei Xufeng continued: "Matt was just washed white by GD these years. In those years, he was a notorious crash king. He even bumped a racing driver in WZ into a vegetable. The international Racing Association said it was within the rules and did not give him any punishment.

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Since then, the boss has given word that as long as she is in the game, Matt will never stay on the field for more than 37 laps.

Because Matt knocked the WZ Racer out on the 37th lap.

Later, the boss really did it. As long as the boss is here, Matt will be sent out of the track before 37 laps... "

Wei Xufeng felt more and more wrong, "Why did Lin Yan give these two numbers to matby? Also, when he just appeared, King actually took the initiative to punch Lin Yan. Even if Carl was such a social flower, it would be OK. But king is famous for his poisonous tongue and difficult to make friends. He can't easily make friends with people. He is still a woman, and he still makes such special actions only among his teammates..."

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Although he still didn't see the boss appear, Wei Xufeng had no intention to go at the moment.

He had to admit that his eyes could not be removed from the girl

Qi Shaoyuan tut sighed beside him. This product is worthy of the boss's brain powder. He really knows everything about the boss, but how can he be so stupid?

It's so obvious that you can't guess?


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On the other side, Donald and Andre looked at Matt at the same time, and Matt's eyes were not shocked or surprised, only a trace of hidden panic, as if they had known for a long time.

Andre looked at Lin Yan's back, and then looked at Matt's performance. Suddenly, he had a bad hunch, "Matt, are you hiding something from us?"

Nick was also full of doubts: "is that Lin Yan from the aurora team? The move she just made was a Chinese figure gesture, a three, a seven, er, this, this is not the year..."

Matt, like being trampled on his tail, immediately said without thinking, "what action, I don't know! There's nothing. What can I hide from you?"

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At this time, Donald next to him looked at the girl in front, his eyes narrowed slightly, and said in a positive tone: "she is Yeva."

"Donald, what are you talking about? The female Racer is Yeva?" Andre looked shocked. "No wonder... No wonder I look more familiar. I thought Chinese women look the same..."

Matt was silent.

Andre looked at Matt with a sarcastic look. "You already know? No wonder you're scared like this!"

No one in the circle knows Matt's little black history, so he will be afraid to see Yeva, and everyone can guess why.

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Matt looked bad and said, "what do I know, who she is, whether she will participate in the competition, what does it have to do with me!"

Donald's eyes narrowed slightly, "I didn't expect... She will return to the field..."

Nick's legs trembled with fear. Yeva came back. He's a traitor to WZ. Will she let it go easily?

But he didn't forget Yeva's jealous personality

Andre looked at Matt and Nick's panicked look and said angrily, "what are you afraid of? This woman has been reduced to a weak team like China to play a low-level event like the global league. Do you still think she was the God of track death in those years?"

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