Wang Jingyang, who was on the way down, was helping the shooter. Seeing Lin Yan running over, he directly started to brush the soldiers regardless of the shooter's scolding. He also arrogantly typed on the team channel: [Cai Wenji, don't run around with me! What's the use of you following a waste!]

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Wang Jingyang looked at her boastful words and wanted to knock her to death: [still talking about other people's waste? How dare you say that?]

The assistant is usually to follow and protect who is the most powerful. Lin Yan sent a three-way person and asked the assistant to follow her. Can't it kill people.

Sure enough, the passer-by shooter was almost mad, and all kinds of harmonious * signs in the channel.

Lin Facai: [Cai Wenji, come on, what are you doing!]

Wang Jingyang was eleven thousand people who didn't want to follow Lin Yan, but didn't dare to listen to her. He had to follow her with small short legs in humiliation.

Lin Yan robbed the third line of soldiers in a curse. During this period, the opposite enemy tried to kill. When she saw it, she ran away. When the other party stopped chasing, she continued to brush the line of soldiers. Soon, she finally caught up with the level.

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Lin Yan saw that he was almost there, so he rubbed his hands and said to Pei Yucheng, "it's almost there. I'm going to kill people. See how I operate later. Oh, yes, I forgot that you like to play Cai Wenji. See how I teach Cai Wenji later..."

"OK." Pei Yucheng said as he picked up the pillow next to him and put it behind Lin Yan's waist so that she could lean more comfortably.

When Pei Yucheng put the pillow, his body would inevitably come close. Lin Yan subconsciously raised his head, his eyes fell on the man, and then he looked at a pair of soft drowning eyes.

Pei Yucheng hasn't changed his clothes yet. He is still wearing that loose bathrobe.

Lin Yan's eyes looked down a little, and he saw the naked chest of the man opposite

In the lazy afternoon, she and Pei Yucheng are snuggling up on the sofa together, which is unprecedented intimacy

Until now, Lin Yancai realized how close they were now, and the air seemed to begin to heat up a little.

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It seems that since she regained Pei Yucheng, Pei Yucheng's attitude towards her has undergone some subtle changes and will no longer respect her so much.

Even, Pei Yucheng will intentionally or unintentionally break through the distance he never crossed before

When I first saw this man, I couldn't believe that Lin Yan was killed. One day, their relationship will come to this stage.

First Blood! (first kill)

Double Kill! (double kill)


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In the game, the picture went black for the nth time, and the system prompt sound came. Lin Yan and Wang Jingyang were both killed.

The death of Lin Yan and Wang Jingyang had a great impact, because the farther back, the longer the Resurrection time. There were two less people on their side. They quickly seized the opportunity and began to push the tower.

Lin Yan had no way to stop the remaining three people. Finally, they could only be pushed to the high ground.


The big words "failure" are displayed on the game screen


She fought in person and lost!

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She lost two thousand dollars!!!

Lin Yan's heart is dripping blood.

"You seem to have lost." Yu Guang of Pei Yucheng glanced at Lin Yan's mobile phone, and there was a teasing smile in his eyes.

Lin looked at the man with a whiff of smoke. "Can you get dressed?"

"What?" Pei Yucheng was puzzled.

"You're so... You've influenced me too much!" Lin Yan, don't open your eyes.

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