As far as Wang Jingyang's task is concerned, it is impossible for him to realize it. Others don't know it, but he knows that Pei Yu is so terrible?

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Let him kill Pei Yucheng. Isn't it that ants eat tigers?

"Oh, you're telling the truth. In that case, Pei Yucheng gave it to me, and you dealt with the tail you brought."

Wang Jingyang said, with smiling eyes, falling not far away.


Qin Huan was shocked into a cold sweat and immediately looked at Wang Jingyang's eyes.

"Not yet."

Wang Jingyang said.

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Almost instantly, Qin Huan disappeared in place, and the man came more than ten meters away.


In the dark, Qin Huan saw a voice and immediately ran away. He immediately stopped it and struck it out.

The figure dodged and escaped Qin Huan's blow.

Until now, Qin Huan saw the face of the "tail".

"Xingshen... What are you doing?"

Qin Huan was surprised to see that it was Xingshen who followed him.

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"Qin Huan!" Xingshen stared at Qin Huan coldly, "you... Betrayed brother Yu!"

Tonight, Xingshen had something to discuss with Qin Huan, but he saw Qin Huan's whereabouts. Therefore, Xingshen followed Qin Huan all the way. Xingshen didn't expect to see this scene. He couldn't believe it. His brother who lived and died together day and night has become a traitor.

"Stop talking!"

Qin Huan immediately winked at Xingshen and opened his mouth. Although it was silent, he could also read Qin Huan's meaning to let him run away.

"Don't talk nonsense, Qin Huan, you and my brother will fight. I won't investigate with you today. You and I will join hands to catch the people behind you and give them to brother Yu. I will help you keep a secret. If you don't want to, we will be the enemy." Star sink cold channel.

"Fool!" Qin Huan was very worried. Is there a problem with the star sinking his mind? Take Wang Jingyang?! Are you kidding? Who does he think he is!

"Children, do you want to take me?"

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While talking, Wang Jingyang, hidden in his black robe, came here.

"I don't care who you are. If you want to murder brother Yu, you will come to no good end." Xingshen looked at Wang Jingyang and shouted coldly.

"Oh?" Wang Jingyang raised his mouth slightly: "well, what are you waiting for?"

However, the face of Xingshen is more and more dignified.

The man who can't see his face clearly seems... Not so simple.

Immediately, Xingshen took out an evolutionist identifier similar to a mobile phone.

"Level F?"

Looking at the numbers on the identifier, Xingshen's eyes narrowed slightly.

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Is this man just an F-class evolutionist.

"Just an f-level evolutionist. Even if you join hands with Qin Huan, you have no chance of winning." Xingshen was relieved at the moment.

"Qin Huan, your friend wants to kill me. Don't you deal with him quickly." Wang Jingyang said expressionless.

"Qin Huan, I hope you know your way back. Don't make mistakes again and again. Brother Yu is not mean to us!" Xingshen looked at Qin Huandao.

Hearing the sound, Qin Huan was silent for a moment. He immediately came up and blocked Wang Jingyang: "Xingshen... I'm sorry it's difficult to obey my orders. My life was given by this adult. Without him, there would be no Qin Huan. You and I... Make their own decisions."

"Qin Huan, you know, you are not my opponent at all. Don't try to die!" The star sank into a cold voice.

"Xingshen, don't talk nonsense. Today... If you kill me, I'm inferior to others. I won't blame you. Let's do it!" Qin Huan took out the dagger.

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