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Xingshen's face turned red and even couldn't breathe.


I don't know where the courage came from. Xingshen punched Wang Jingyang in the face.

However, to Xingshen's disbelief, Wang Jingyang was not hurt at all. He just frowned slightly.


The next second, from Xingshen's mouth, there was a sad howl.

The bone of his right hand was broken by Wang Jingyang.

Xingshen's originally pale face has turned extremely pale now.


Not far away, Qin Huan bit his teeth. He wanted to save Shen, but he never had the courage.

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That man, not Pei Yucheng... Has no kindness at all.

He is a Shura walking through the world, a self-centered and arrogant devil.

Human life, for him, is not worth mentioning at all.

Qin Huan will never doubt that if he goes to save Xingshen at the moment, not only the stars, but also him... Will be killed, absolutely!


In front of us, the sound of the stars howling continues.

"My Lord!"

Qin Huan endured his inner fear and forced himself to stand up and walk towards Wang Jingyang.

"Well, what are you doing?"

Wang Jingyang glanced at Qin Huan walking slowly.

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"Sir, can you... Leave him a way to live... I promise he won't tell anyone about today!" Qin Huandao.

"You, promise?"

Wang Jingyang squinted at Qin Huan: "so, you're pleading for him."

"My lord... I... I..." Qin Huan took a deep breath, but his heart beat faster and faster.

"Qin... Qin Huan... Don't... Mind me!" Xingshen looks hard at Qin Huan.

Qin Huan: "

"Qin... Qin Huan... You... Associate with the abyss... Most... Eventually... Will be... Swallowed... By the abyss!" Xingshen continued.

"Little guy, you talk a lot."

Wang Jingyang chuckled, and immediately turned his right palm and threw the star down at his feet.

There was only a loud bang.

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The ground under his feet was broken, and Xingshen smashed the ground and fell into a stone pit.


Xingshen opens his mouth and spits out a mouthful of blood.

Qin Huan wanted to say something, but he didn't dare to say it in the end.

Qin Huan trembled and looked at the stars that would be killed at any time. He didn't know what to do.

At the moment, Wang Jingyang squatted down, held Xingshen's head in one hand, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly: "let's end this unequal game."

"Star sink!"

Suddenly, Ling Yue rushed out from the dark.

In the dark, Lin Yan was in a hurry. He didn't expect that the man wrapped in black robes would be so terrible.

She and Ling Yue hurried here, but they met this scene.

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What Zhang Sanli Si, compared with this man, it's millions of light-years!

I wanted to hold Ling Yue, but I didn't hold her either. Now... I'm afraid it's over!

Lin Yan looked around. Why hasn't Xiao Yao come yet!

"Asshole! How dare you do this to the stars!"

Ling Yue's eyes were red. She raised her hand and cleaved towards Wang Jingyang.


Wang Jingyang waved away.

The next second, Ling Yue's pupils suddenly contracted.

It was as if, suddenly, her body hit a full speed train.


Ling Yue spewed out a mouthful of blood, as if her internal organs were going to be broken.

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