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As vice president Li's voice fell, the people present looked at Lin Yan in disbelief.

Did they hear right? Let a newcomer like Lin Yan be the head of the guild's team?!

"Vice president, is there a mistake?"

At this moment, Su Cai suddenly stood up and looked at vice president Li.

Hearing the sound, vice president Li glanced at Su CAI and immediately said with a soft smile: "no mistake, it was assigned by the president himself."

"Appointed by the president himself?"

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Su Cai looked surprised. She didn't know what had happened.

Even Qi Feng was very surprised and felt a little puzzled about the practice of the guild.

Just yesterday, Lin Yan was still his navigator, but today he changed and became the captain of all teams under the China Racing Association.

This kind of thing can be said to be unprecedented.

The team under the guild has no position of captain at all. Generally speaking, it is directly under the jurisdiction of the senior management of the guild. Not to mention new racing drivers such as Lin Yan, even the most qualified top racing drivers in China do not have such qualifications.

Su Cai's eyes kept staring at Lin Yan and thought in his heart.

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Su Cai is not stupid. Naturally, he knows that things will not be so simple. I'm afraid Lin Yan has something to do with the guild. Otherwise, such a thing can't happen.

"By the way, in addition to our own team, the aurora team founded by Miss Lin Yan will also participate in this global league." Vice President Li added.

"Aurora team?"

Hearing the sound, the people present looked inexplicable, as if they had never heard of such a team.

"The aurora team... I seem to have seen the aurora team recruiting racers on a racing website before... It's a newly established junior team, and even the racers can't be found. Vice president Li, isn't that what you said about the aurora team?" A racing driver looked at vice president Li and said in surprise.

Vice President Li's eyes fell on Lin Yan.

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Lin Yan nodded gently.

Immediately, vice president Li said with a smile, "well... That's it. Although the aurora team is a newly established team, I believe that with the efforts of Miss Lin Yan and our Chinese Racing Association, the aurora team will have a great future."

All the racers present: "

Whether there is a great future seems to have nothing to do with them. Anyway, they have nothing to do with the aurora team.

"Because the aurora team is a new team, there are no racing drivers at present. In order to enable the aurora team to successfully embark on the stage of the global league and make it shine, the guild decided that the members of the three teams under the guild should be selected by the general captain Lin Yan and brought into the aurora team." Vice President Li smiled.

As vice president Li's voice fell, there was another uproar.

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Are you kidding me? Let them go to a newly established junior team or a newcomer

"I object!"

"The objection is invalid, which is decided by the president." Vice President Li waved his hand.

"Captain Lin Yan, you can choose some first. There are also two racing drivers of the team. They will come to the headquarters tomorrow. You can challenge at will." Vice President Li said.

Hearing the sound, Lin Yan glanced at the crowd below, his eyes fell on Qi Feng and said with a smile: "Mr. Qi Feng, are you interested?"

Qi Feng: "..." what can he say, no.

"Well, whatever." Qi Feng thought for a moment and smiled awkwardly.

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