Kind Weakness

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——This is a curse.

it must be broken

It is definitely the punishment for denying the world Mother loved. Nanaki could not affirm that world. And even on this path that I have reached, the curse followed me. It will probably keep on following me anywhere, anywhere at all. As long as it is not ended, as long as Nanaki lives.

if you want to be free

Sword Emperor Silver, Martial Emperor Raicou, Sky Empress Salia and Flame Empress Envy.

the four curses

Due to their high pride, they are curses that descend upon Nanaki. Then I must dispel it. No matter the sacrifice, Nanaki must live on. There is no good and evil in pride. The proof of pride is whether you can be proud yourself. Whether you can recognise it.

everyone has their own prides

Nanaki affirms Nanaki.

That pride is self-affirmation

I have principles I cannot bend. I have things I cannot overlook. I have made promises. I have reasons why I must live. Even if that world and even if this world rejects Nanaki as well. Nanaki alone must affirm Nanaki.

so she must be proud

After all, it is too sad.

no one else can do it

The promises I made with Mother, the pride I learnt and the strength to live. Had Nanaki been born for all those to be denied and killed by a mere prophecy? This life, this name and this pride that I received from Mother, were they born for something like that?

only Nanaki

No. I will not accept that.

that is why nanaki has become strong

What have I obtained this strength for. What has Mother whittled her life away to make Nanaki stronger for.

to be strong enough 

——to be able to crush it.

everything in her way

Be it fate, be it the world, be it difficulties, be it prophecy. It is power to be able to crush it all and for Nanaki to keep on living. Ah, I see. Nanaki was still lost. Because that world was the world that Mother loved.

nothing will stop Nanaki

Goodbye, world that Mother loved.

Nothing can stop Nanaki

The world had pointed its blade at Nanaki. Then Nanaki shall respond. Yes, now, the world has become Nanaki’s enemy. No mercy, no compassion. Pay attention, Nanaki’s enemy. If you want this Nanaki’s life, come at me with resolve to lose the entire world.

the resolve to bet everything

The one who raised their blade first was you, so have the appropriate resolve. Even if that results in the prophesied conclusion, don’t regret. Nanaki has distanced herself, yet the one that came chasing was you.

prepare to die

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even you

That’s right. That’s why you are also an enemy. Envy.

Nanaki’s sister

“Ah, ah……from the start I couldn’t even get through that last gap. The switch has completely been flipped on……”

enemy recognised

I brushed away the descending sparks. If those blocking my path do not yield, they shall be cut down. Even if it the elder sister I owe a great debt to, even if it is justice in order to stop the prophecy, it has no relation to Nanaki. There is only one important thing, those are all Nanaki’s enemies. They are unnecessary. They are unnecessary for the world that Nanaki has affirmed.

an eyesore

So begone.

come, Ilveng=Nazgul

Armament manisfestation——‘Almighty lightning knight – Magia Chevalier’.

end it 

This once, let’s show Nanaki’s strength. It would be great if you tremble and cower, do not stand before this Nanaki. But I will not stop you if you keep your pride and stand before Nanaki. Be assured, this Nanaki will help you in your suicide. Die as you hold on to your pride.

once and for all

“Now, let us begin——Envy.”

“Really, that is a sad strength.”



The crimson flames that attacked in succession changed the traces of the finished age to ash. But those flames never reached Nanaki. The approaching sword, the flames that turn everything to ash, they are all too slow. That is excessively conceited. For you to think you can catch lightning.

nobody can catch nanaki


not even god

The world was covered in flames.


Envy is probably aiming for a fatal blow. Oxygen deprivation will not work on this Nanaki. Did you think you could defeat Nanaki using a blindspot? If you lose the initiative you won’t stand a chance. If you want to enforce that pride, attack with you full strength. Like this Nanaki.



nanaki’s power

The lightning that was produced erased the hellfire that burns everything to ashes and filled the surroundings with ashes. This armour that was manifested with a fraction of his power contains the will of Ilveng=Nazgul. A unity of god and human, you are not fighting Nanaki alone.

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is not her’s alone

Unlike the Five Emperors, I have never treated a god as a tool. Against us whose hearts are connected, you who treats your god as a tool had no way of winning.

it is 1 against 2

“Will you not surrender, Envy?”

but no

If you want to break through this situation, there is no way but to fully manifest Hiyent=Helios. There is no one here, no one will come either. The one who said that was you, Envy. Now, summon it.

even if it is useless

Nanaki will destroy it all.

the effort must be made

“I already knew, but this is a little bit of a spoiler……”

for pride

Envy grumbled as she wiped her soot-covered face. The armour covering that body is covered with many painful scars. It was a mistake to even challenge Nanaki to close quarter combat. If people expose themselves to lightning, even children know what would happen. But even so she had come.

she will not run

Prideful Flame Empress, I will at least send you a tribute.

in honour of that bravery

“——Burn all of creation. Materialise, Golden Inferno Hiyent=Helios!!”

“——Let us fulfil the promise we made that day here, let us go together. Lightning of Legend Ilveng=Nazgul.”

a clash between two five emperors

Here and now, two gods have descended.

a clash between gods

The heat of the goddess clad in golden flames turns all to ashes. No, that heat does not reach the jet-black divine knight clad in lightning. God of fire and god of lightning. Just the two of them materialising in this world scattered an absurd amount of energy around. The ground cracked, the ruins melted, lightning shattered the sky.

this is how the world ended once

“By the name of the Flame Empress, defeat the enemy of the capital!! End it with a scorching blow!!”

the power of gods

That was the sun upon the earth.

everything shall burn

The shine of the sword that Envy holds would burn human eyes and melt everything. Even with the armour of Ilveng=Nazgul that heat cannot be blocked. If that strike lands, it would mean death. Her absolute full strength, this cannot be defended against.

it has come

No postponement. The time of conclusion has come.

the end

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“——Sword of the sun.”

is here

The Sword of the sun became a huge pillar of light that extended to the sky. I see, this is something that cannot be dodged with speed alone. This is Flame Empress Envy’s prided attack. What a beautiful light. Although it had such a beautiful thing, Nanaki was not able to affirm that world.

now then

Let us answer, Friend.

Nanaki’s turn

Engrave Nanaki’s strength into your mind, world. And from now on, remember it multiple times. The meaning of fighting Nanaki. After receiving this scar, if you still come and face me, I shall destroy everything. If I do not take, nothing will end.

you have touched

Right here and now, the Lightning of Legend’s.

the lightning empress’

————‘Destruction Lightning – Dio End’

reverse scale


it is too late

The Lightning of Legend that poured from the entire visible sky. This heavy lightning will erase this entire battlefield. Envy’s sword has come before my eyes. She probably aimed for a simultaneous strike with the resolve to die. But Envy, Nanaki is not alone. I am different from Envy.

to regret


thank you

Ilveng=nazgul protected Nanaki with his body. Even if it is friend, that one strike cannot be blocked, but one second is fine. Since he stopped that sword for one second, the lightning raining from the sky will end everything. Thank you Friend, you really are kind.

all for nanaki


silence of the end

The end is always quick. All the descending lightning pierced Envy’s body. But as a final resistance, just like how Nanaki and Friend did it, Hiyent=Helios became a shield and seemed to manage to avoid a fatal blow. But this changes nothing. Even if you survive, you no longer have the strength to fight Nanaki.

final blow

——Let’s end it.


I walked towards her who could no longer move her body well.


‘After thousand(千) is ten thousand(万), after ten thousand is a hundred million(億). Aah you are so slow.’

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(T/N: for english it would be thousand,million,billion I guess? I chose to keep the original)

Nanaki is strong


‘This is the money of the capital. You can’t buy anything without it. Oi, don’t throw it away!’


If not I cannot survive.


‘See, it’s pretty right? It’s called sakura. It’s a tree that cannot be found anywhere but the capital.’


Because that was the promise.


‘——Come, Nanaki.’


Something flowed down my cheek.


This is not something that Nanaki as one of the strong can spill. Even so, I couldn’t stop my vision from blurring. Nanaki denied it, Nanaki was denied. The one who fought in order to bid farewell, in order to steal, was Nanaki, It’s cowardly, these tears are for cowards to cry. It is not something this prideful Nanaki can cry.

but you cannot deny

And yet, although that was how it should be.

your feelings

It won’t stop. It won’t stop it won’t stop. The days we passed together won’t leave my mind. The memories gouged at my heart. It hurts, it hurts it hurts it hurts ithurtsithurtsithurts——it hurts, Envy.

I feel it too…


I’m trying not to

If it will not end without taking her life. In order to end it to break the curse. I must swing this sword down on Envy. It’s a curse, it’s to end it. Because of that, because of that Nanaki will swing it.


Ah, Mother. Please, just for now.

idon’t force yourself

——is it okay to be weak?


“……Bye, Nanaki.”


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